Boot Camp week 4 – limiting beliefs and self-doubts


MY Week 4 Boot Camp video is about limiting beliefs and self-doubt – how they sabotage lasting weight loss (and what you can do about it). This was in my Boot Camp last January and it resonated with so many people so I thought it was important to include it now, too.

If you’ve seen it before then it will serve as a great refresher and if it’s your first time then I’m sure you’ll find it really useful.

I’ve been helping people lose weight for almost a decade now. Every day I’m in contact with people who struggle to believe they will ever reach the size they desire. They’ve been on the diet-fail-diet-fail cycle so many times they just can’t imagine themselves succeeding with anything.

They’ve been disappointed so many times it’s now become very emotional – and there’s real anxiety attached to the whole subject of weight loss.

The thing is, if you fear that you won’t lose weight, then you’ll never do it.

The more time goes on the more you’ll continue to believe that you can’t lose weight and you’ll start finding lots of reasons to back up those limiting thoughts.

As time goes on you then find yourself in a pattern and patterns keep repeating themselves. Things get worse and worse until you feel useless and helpless.

You must face this self doubt because otherwise it will control you for ever.

Your life is merely the story you’re telling yourself day in day out and the narrative can change – if you realise it’s happening and take action.

So if this is you, and you’ve given up on many weight loss attempts before you found Slimpods, take a moment to reflect and think about why this is happening.

Is it because of past failures?

Is it because someone once told you that you’ll be fat for ever?

Is it because your partner isn’t supportive of your latest weight loss attempt which makes it doubly hard to be motivated.

Or it might be because you always give up and that’s become a habit – now you doubt whether you can change that habit.

Don’t let the self-doubt hold you back any longer.

M video will help you discover discover how to break through the self-limiting beliefs and succeed!

Please leave a comment below and let me know how the video is going to help you change!

50 thoughts on “Boot Camp week 4 – limiting beliefs and self-doubts”

  1. Thank you Sandra this was just the push I needed I had stopped listening but have now started again . Thank you

  2. Thanks for your comments about self sabotage. It resonated in most areas of my life with treats being my “go to” thing when feeling “threatened” by the self sabotage. When you were talking I could relate to what I do, I seem to scupper things before I fail, because I ‘expect’ to fail!!!

    I see it, now I have to believe I can do it!

    The slimpod is working as I have been dealing with a lot of personal issues as well as wanting to lose weight, which I didn’t expect when I started the slimpod but I have lost weight. That means I have not turned to the food like I would have done previously.

    I am at a crucial point and I am reaching for the treats so the video has made me think. Thanks

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Great Barbara. Keep listening and remember this is nothing like the things you’ve done in the past. You can do it!

  3. What if the self-doubt comes from an unrealistic goal? I’m thinking that 6 weeks was unlikely to achieve the changes I want and that 6 months is more realistic. By setting myself a 6 week deadline and sharing it on the Facebook chat my failure will be all the more public and to hear that others are succeeding is all the more humiliating. I will stick with it because I am not a quitter but really would love a few more signs and symbols that I am trying hard.

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Hi Liz, In recent videos I’ve mentioned how you should look at goals as a feedback device rather than treating them as an obstacle. If you think six months is more realistic then that’s great. And regarding sharing on FB, it’s proven that if you make your goal public there’s more motivation to achieve it. But I totally understand where you’re coming from. Remember though, nobody will be asking you for an ‘after’ picture – or to step on the scales at the end. So many people who go to Slimming clubs are humiliated at the weekly weigh-in and this may be where this comes from. Your pictures will be buried in the FB stream somewhere – so there’s absolutely no public humiliation at all. There’s no naming and shaming gallery. We’re all very gentle and supportive and if you think a chat with me would help you right now, then please just ping an email to and I’ll be happy to help. Sx

  4. Maureen Robertson

    Very inspirational video. Look forward to next one. Will get my iPod out again now to listen. Thank you.

  5. I enjoyed listening to the video. It has put the inspiration back in me! I did lose 1/2 stone in 2 weeks last time but then it stopped. I asked for help but didn’t receive a response. I will try again now. Really hope it works as need to drop a dress size!

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Hi Paula, happy to help – no idea why you didn’t receive a response, we’re very hot on our customer care. Half a stone in 2 weeks was amazing! A dress size is only 10lbs so keep listening and it will happen.

  6. Oh, Sandra! I just watched this with tears rolling down my face. It’s come at just the right time for me. I’ve been so committed to Bootcamp and felt positive and in control and was convinced things were going well. So what did I do this morning?I got on the scales!! (I know, I know!) Nothing. No change. No loss. I’m so disappointed! I’m 17st 3lbs and I just wanted to see the scales dip under 17st for the first time in years. I was convinced I’d lost. I’ve been eating so well, listening every night and recording positives. I still believe I have made a fundamental change in my eating habits and I know this will work if I keep with it. Thank you for this very timely blog.

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Jill my lovely. Stay off the scales and measure yourself by your clothes and the way you feel. When you eat consistently healthy for a period of time change is inevitable. It’s just scales etc create an emotional response and throw people off course. Happy to have a call if you think that it would help.

  7. Thank you for this video I think it is exactly me. I am going to try and believe in myself. I am going to try harder with my slim pod as I need to lose weight to get a hip replacement my bmi is currently 39 and it has to be under 35. I need some of your passion daily and to tell myself I am not going to fail you have told me you want me to succeed. Thank you xx

  8. Really struck a chord with me. I’ve been struggling the last week. Had some bad news and have used to go straight back to bad habits. Feel better after hearing it

  9. Thanks Sandra. The ‘collaborate with your mind ‘ section particularly resonated with me.
    I have been saying a positive affirmation in the mirror everyday for the last week and it’s really helping me to be in control.
    When I was doing my masters degree , when I was struggling or felt overwhelmed I visualised my graduation ceremony and it really helped my motivation.
    I listen to Trevor everyday and visualise , but I think also saying my commitment to slim pod in the mirror reinforces it even further.

  10. I’ve just marked the 1st Anniversary of becoming a ‘Slimpodder’ and really agree with what you say on this video, Sandra as I have kept listening all year and am maintaining the weight loss after reaching my target after the first 4 months . I live abroad and my big problem comes on visits to the UK or other holidays, when I’m visiting family and friends and faced with far too much food /drink and less opportunity to exercise. We arrive in the UK this week for a 3-week visit and hope the advice on this boot camp will help me stay steady . . .

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Oh wow Lee! Welcome back to the UK! So happy that you’ve done so well. How much weight did you lose?

      1. I lost 10 kg ( over 1.5 stone) and went down from a generous size 14 back to a comfortable size 10/12, which was my target. I was always very slim till I had my two children and particularly in my 50’s and 60’s it was a struggle to keep the weight down. Now, using the Slimpods, I’m where I want to be – thank you so much!

  11. Love the slimpod and love all the videos and book s, done diet s in the past, with no success, feel in control and more relaxed, instead of coming out of classes with book s telling in what food I can or can’t eat x

  12. Christina Miles

    Brilliant motivational blog just what I needed as my slim pod has been damaged in my CD player. Thank you

  13. Hi Sandra, Thank you for the video I have Just watched.
    You have pin pointed an area in Losing weight that many people trying to lose weight do not realise is there.
    Having it brought to our attention make it real, and being real or tangible, it can be dealt with!! One way to overcome this difficulty is by continuing to listen to the Slimpod!!
    Thank you,

  14. Martina Coulding

    I was feeling a bit disappointed with my 4wk results, but the video has inspired me to carry on, & hopefully the results will show in a few months time!

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Hey Martina, I think I remember you had a birthday in the first couple of weeks and I’m wondering if you listened consistently during that time? The first three weeks are crucial. Are you logging your successes/differences everyday – this will help you to succeed too.

      1. Martina Coulding

        Hi, i did continue to listen to the slimpod, but because it was my birthday week i did have a few treats….put 3lb on in that week, but list 2.5lb of it last week. I do feel better about mysekf though, & confident to carry on and get to my goal, regardless off how long it takes!

  15. Very interesting post Sandra. As a child I was abused by my father and at age 13 he saw me back-combing my hair in front of the mirror. He said “I don’t know why you’re doing that; you’re nothing to look at.” He was a cruel man who kept a split cane for use on my brothers if (in his opinion) they misbehaved. My parents believed that children should be seen and not heard. I’ve always felt that my mother was jealous of the attention which my father showed me and I’m not convinced that she didn’t know what he was doing.
    I will continue to listen to the pods and will talk to my body as you suggest and hopefully eventually I will realise that I’m worth it.
    Thank you.

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Oh, Eva, I’m so sorry to hear this. I work with clients who have been through similar ordeals to yours and many of them have weight issues because they have a belief that if they’re overweight they’re protecting themselves from it happening again (ie they won’t be attractive to men). Deep rooted stuff… Anyhow, you definitely ARE worth it and if you tell yourself that every day I’m sure you’ll soon start believing it. Sx

  16. I found the video really inspiring. I will use your advice and put it to good use. As I am at the point where I really struggle to stop the cravings rearing their ugly head.

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      🙂 – Keep going! Our Sugar pod works wonders with cravings….you might like to take a look.. Best of luck.

  17. I found the guidance that I can change my personal narrative resonated with me. If my husband and I want to buy something or travel somewhere we always laugh and say that we can always find a reason for doing what we want! So I will try to make my own personal narrative one in which I focus on the person(shape/weight) I want to be and use this as my goal. When I bought Slimpod there is a real focus on the first 21 days … guess what I stopped listening after 21 days … boot camp is helping me to realise I need to keep on listening for as long as I need to achieve my goal

  18. Christina Miles

    Brilliant thank you just what I needed. Will need to order another slim pod mine has been damaged in my CD player..

  19. Just watch vlog and everything you said is true but I have been with the boot camp from the first week and have settled in to it first two weeks kept having blips but now feel good about myself my goal is to fit into my white size 12 jeans by the end of July this morning I weighed myself I’ve lost 7lbs so well on way to atchiveing this I also now tell my self I can lose weight and I want to lose weight and look good in those jeans thank you Sandra keep up good work and to all others out there you can do it x

  20. Hi now I’ve got to the stage where I’m been given more than one pod to listen to .I always listen in bed and fall asleep so I keep missing the second pod. So I have been listening to a different one each night ????????but is this as affective
    I have started to loss but only a little
    I’m not sure which one to listen to now

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      If you have them on a playlist Candy, then it will go from one to the other and you won’t even notice. Falling asleep is normal. You don’t have to actively listen – you will still absorb the language when asleep. I usually only hear the first 30 seconds and then I’m out cold!

  21. Hi Sandra,
    I found this Blog really inspiring. You were definitely talking about myself. This blog gave me lots to think about and strategies to try. I already see positive changes but need to keep going forward not give up.

  22. Positive Pants

    Hi Sandra thanks for this and all the boot camp info to date. Firstly I am still reading the book from week 2. Wow! It has helped in so many ways already, especially work and therefore stress.
    Secondly I am making real gains towards my goals and thirdly, this week I have really felt a step change in my behaviour. it has been gradual over the last 6 months but I am now really noticing big differences in my relationship with food.
    This vlog was great timing. I am going to collaborate with my body and I love the top tips in how to do this.
    I feel sure that the weight loss will happen this year.
    The only thing I still need to improve – to meet all my boot camp goals – is my exercise. Will start to prioritize Trevor’s fitpod.
    Thank you. ?

  23. This is my story in so many ways,but I am going to change -I HAVE changed the script.
    I listen each night-now I will write down my successes EVERY DAY.
    This not a quick fix for me either,but the pods make me much
    less anxious about failure and then poor food choices. Thanks for the nail-on-the-head words.

  24. Thank you, listening to the video I felt you were talking just to me! I could really relate to this as I frequently start just to give up later telling myself I’m useless and will never be slimmer. I stopped listening to my Slimpod but I will start again today, and watch this video if I feel I’m slipping again.

  25. Deborah Morris

    Been listening for 30 days and last night didn’t listen, was thinking I had failed again so huge thanks for this gentle reminder I can change

  26. Jennifer Petersen

    Hi Sandra, I´ve only just watched your vlog and have to admit that I´m one of those that give up after about 3 weeks (sometimes two)! I´ve tried time and time again over the years but suspect that I´ve never really given Slimpods the chance they deserve. I´ve successfully lost weight with alternate day fasting but put it all on again and more, when I´ve not been able to mentally keep going. I´m back to that position now. I´ve downloaded the app to my phone and hope that way I´ll actually write in my success log, something I just don´t do. I´ve listened for 3 days now, but really want to keep going for six weeks, maybe if I can do that I´ll be able to keep going from then on. We´re going back to the UK for a few weeks holiday on Friday, always a time when I put on about 4kgs 🙁 Wouldn´t it be wonderful not to think about food and weight/fat all the time!! Can I listen to Drop Two Jean Sizes and The Sugarpod at the same time right from the start, or is that not a good idea?

  27. I don’t really suffer from self doubt or fear of failure, however after doing slimpod for over eight weeks I did doubt that it would work for me. However I am not a quitter!!!! This week I weighed myself and I have lost 6 LBS!!!! I really do believe now. I have also lost 5 inches.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
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