Sandra's blog

Sandra's blog

Sandra's blog!

A rich resource of advice on all the little
things that make up a better you

How Your Gut Bacteria Could Be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

For years, weight loss has been seen as a simple equation: calories in versus calories out. But if that were true, why do so many people regain the weight they’ve lost? The truth is, weight loss is about far more than just food and exercise—it’s about mindset, habits, and the deep-seated psychological patterns that drive

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From Bingeing to Balance: Jane’s Slimpod Story

This month, the voted Podder of the Month, voted for by you, is Jane!  Jane’s Slimpod journey began just over a year ago, and last month she marked a huge milestone—her Poddiversary! 🎈 A massive happy Poddiversary, Jane! In the past year, she’s not just transformed her relationship with food, but she’s also become an

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