My labour of love, inspired by 4000 Slimpodders…

I cried with emotion on my Facebook live last week. You see, I’ve been working on my first book for almost a year – a true labour of love – and now my baby is about to go out into the big bad world!!

The book is called The Weight’s Over: Take Back Control and it’s on sale in March.

Now the massive self-doubt kicks in! Will it do well, or won’t it! I teach others to overcome self-doubt and do you think I can do this for myself right now?!

Writing a book is truly personal but I haven’t written it for myself, it’s for all those people who want to transform their lives by losing weight in a sustainable way.

I desperately want them to benefit from the book and for it to give them hope and belief, because that’s what perpetual dieting zaps from people.

The idea for The Weight’s Over: Take Back Control goes back 15 years when I was seeing people one-to-one in Harley Street. Most of the people visiting me for weight issues had huge psychological issues around food – mostly from years and years of yo-yo dieting.

This prevented them from losing weight sustainably but just as importantly, it was also a mental weight that was making them very unhappy.   When I saw I could help to unblock the problem and set them free, I decided to  started the Slimpod programme.

However, I could never find the right words to pour it all out in a book. Over the years, many publishers approached me but I never took the plunge!

This was partly because of my own self-esteem issues that I continue to battle with occasionally. I also didn’t know how to write a book that would serve all my lovely Slimpodders as well people who had never heard of us.

I wanted a book to inspire and motivate everyone, as well as give practical advice. I wanted Podders to get lots out if it and for it to be like a handbook accompanying the programme.

Something that could be on the coffee table to dip into when strategies were needed to overcome day to day issues.

Life is always a work in progress and we’re never ‘done’! But it can be an exciting adventure when you have the right tools to deal with things! 

So last April I had a brainwave and which helped me decide the time was right for a book: I would ask my special podding community to help me! And they didn’t disappoint!

I wanted to know what, as former dieters, they felt was the thing that gave them most heartache and stopped them from losing weight sustainably.

Almost 4,000 Slimpodders answered my survey and I was truly blown away by the amazing results. I had firsthand evidence of what goes so wrong when people try to lose weight and why so many go round and round in an endless cycle for years and years.

That was what I’d been waiting for. Now In just had to write the book!!! OMG I’ve never done anything so hard in my entire life!

So many people warned me against doing it because it’s a huge commitment  but Carolyn, my lovely publisher at Hodder and Stoughton, said: ‘Sandra the world needs this book’. So I did it. Nine months of concentrated effort and it was hugely stressful but it’s done!

As you read this, The Weight’s Over: Take Back Control is being printed. I really can’t believe it. Must admit, writing this email is making me a bit teary again!

Now I’d like all my lovely Slimpodders to get involved in the launch of the book because you’ve been part of it from the start!    So keep watching your inbox – an exciting email will be dropping soon!

– Sandra x

14 thoughts on “My labour of love, inspired by 4000 Slimpodders…”

  1. Shirley Batten-Smith

    I’m still fairly new to Slimpod and can’t say that I have lost huge amounts of weight … yet … but I’m sticking with it because of the changes already in me and my healthier approach to food and drink. I was dreading Christmas but after it was all over I was amazed to find that I hadn’t put any weight on – so I know the program is working.

  2. Loving these newsletters dropping into my emails and love the fact too that your book is nearly on ours shelves and in our homes, I know it will definitely be in mine.
    So thank you, Sandra, for writing it and being behind us all the way. And of course huge congratulations to you
    Best wishes

  3. I can’t wait to read this Sandra. Well done to you and all the slimpodders who helped with it. I know it will be a huge help to people like myself.

  4. How exciting Sandra. How inspiring your story will be. And most of all How supportive your book will be. I can’t wait to read it.

  5. I’m so excited to see how this book is going to impact so many people. Be prepared Sandra for some big changes to come your way. Good ones!!

  6. Well done, I’m inspired by slim pod to not just change my eating habits but change things in my life I didn’t think I had the strength or courage to change very slow on all fronts but I’m getting there

  7. Can’t wait to have a ‘real’ book to flick through! Although I’ve managed slimpod on my phone; it’s definitely better in print.

  8. Oh my goodness, what a journey I’m on, been podding since September, I have lost half stone, I am committed to this program and am looking forward to more loss in the future. I am so very proud of you Sandra, you believe in yourself and you are a shining example of what can be achieved
    Keeeep podding

  9. Well done! Our chance to congratulate you, Sandra, rather than the reverse. Thank you for all that you’ve done for us.

  10. I’ve been on slimpod for 18 months now. I haven’t lost much in lbs, but anxiety over food and binge eating don’t exist any more.
    I only eat twice a day and rarely now think about eating in between meals. I eat much slower, stop when I recognise I’m full, my portion sizes are much smaller and having realised I am possibly lactose intolerant, have cut out these foods and can now enjoy eating when I’m out for the day which also helps with then not stuffing myself stupid when I get home because I’ve not eaten all day and am starving. Slimpod has helped my mental attitude massively and I believe trust in your system will give me the results I would love to see. ( I do wonder if loss is hampered by lack of gallbladder).
    Can’t wait to read your book, it’s already on pre-order through Audible.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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