Summer’s almost coming to an end and at this time of year a lot of people find their weight loss mojo has taken a bit of a hit! Well fear not! I’m here to get you going again.
There’s no better way of doing that than a hugely inspiring story! Sally-Anne Griffiths has been on Slimpod for just under a year and she’s some great tips to pass on to inspire you and get you motivated and into action!
You may have seen a video I made when I last spoke to Sally-Anne in November. Because of her amazing success since then we’ve just made a new video together.
In it you’ll discover how she’s lost 47 inches – including six inches off her waist. Isn’t that amazing!
Click on the picture to watch the video and start to get your weight loss mojo back.
Sally-Anne’s ‘get your weight loss mojo back’ guide
*** I now realise that I’m so much more than the scales. I do still weigh myself occasionally, instead of daily, but I refuse to let the results dictate my emotions and my food intake.
*** It seems crazy that a loss of only 11 pounds has equated to a 22-inch loss. Now it’s clothes size that matters to me and how I look, not a number on scales. Regaining power over the scales is a massive win.
*** I was a real couch potato before joining Slimpod, averaging 6k steps a day. I now commit to a minimum of 12k steps every day and enjoy dog walking, LWR (Lucy Wyndham-Read on YouTube), dancing and I love NEAT steps.
*** Earlier this year found myself really enjoying the LWR jog a minute/tone a minute workouts. One day I thought I could jog on my unused treadmill. To my amazement I ran 2 miles in 26 minutes.
*** I’ve never, ever run that far in my life before! I was blown away at the level of fitness I had sneakily achieved. And this has slowly grown over time. Like many other Slimpodders I find myself laughing to myself – who is this woman, can the real Sally-Anne please stand up!
*** I’ve always been a positive person with a glass half full attitude in everything in life other than my weight. I have a positive glow around me now all of the time. I’m convinced that daily listening to Slimpod and writing my daily wins is the key to this. I even find the positives on the worst of days.
*** Beating self-sabotage and kicking limiting self-beliefs into touch has been a key factor in my Slimpod success. As early as week 6, having lost nearly a stone in weight, the doubts started to creep in (that’s when my fad diets would normally fail and the weight would start to go back on).
*** However one of my favourite parts of the programme is the fabulous inspiration and support you find on the Facebook pages. I asked a question about anyone else’s experience with self-doubts even when doing well on the programme and I had great inspiring advice.
*** Not every day is a bed of roses, this is real life after all. There are great days, good days, not so great days and downright awful days. The difference with Slimpod is when times are difficult there’s lots of strategies available to help you overcome them and continue to move forward.

*** I make lots of opportunities to celebrate my new skinnier self – I am a shopaholic after all! So I celebrate the win when I give away my bigger clothes, get into clothes I’ve bought and never worn, or when I buy lovely clothes in a size I’d only ever dreamt of (like my spotty jumpsuit).
*** I love that Slimpod isn’t about being on a diet and therefore there’s no wagon to fall off. In my past diet/failure mode I would have very negative self-talk. I was brutal with myself when I wasn’t losing weight (which was most of the time).
*** I’m much kinder to myself now and I’m happier in my skin than I’ve ever been. Every day I look in the mirror, do my affirmations and give myself a hi-five (another great Sandra tip).
*** I eat less sugar as I now understand how bad it is for the body but I will occasionally still eat cake and have a piece of dark chocolate most days. This along with the healthier food choices that I’ve naturally started to make has been really helpful. And I don’t generally eat after 8pm, which stops me snacking.
*** I’ve said it before but Slimpod doesn’t require willpower but it does require commitment – and I enjoy every moment of watching videos, listening to the pods, writing my wins, tracking my daily habits. Why wouldn’t I, given the results it has afforded me?
Get your weight loss mojo back and join our challenge
We have a great September One Size Down challenge starting in Slimpod Club so if you’re part of the community do join the fun! You’ll find out all about it in the Announcements at the top of the group.
I’ll be live in our private Slimpod Group on Facebook on Wednesday (Sept 8) at 8.30pm UK time, helping you with more magic for your mojo. Note the slightly later time than normal.
One last thing, if you’re on Instagram, come and join me over there and say hello you’ll find me on @sandraroycroftdavis
And please do leave a comment below to let Sally-Anne and myself know how her story has inspired you to get your weight loss mojo back.
3 thoughts on “How to get your weight loss mojo back just like Sally-Anne”
Today is my first day and I will be honest I am so sick of diets and failing. The only reason I am going to try this is because the concept makes sense and I have nothing to lose. Sally- Anne is so inspiring – after watching it I have a glimmer of hope. Thank you
I am not on face book but I wanted to leave a comment because like many others I was was very skeptical about the Slimpod process. I have been overweight most of my adult life after giving birth to my first child nearly 36 years ago.
I am now on week 8 and I am completely amazed (gob smacked) is really how I would describe my feelings. Initially for the first 5 weeks I didn’t really think much of the process and didn’t feel anything was working but I did like to listen to the sound of the male voice so I kept on with the process. I am now feeling much fuller quicker. I am choosing to say no (to most sweet things) and their is uneaten chocolate still in my kitchen cupboards. An absolute unheard of occurrence in my home.
My daughter asked me what has changed why I wasn’t eating the sweet stuff. I wanted to give her a very clear and rational answer but really I don’t. Its not magic but it is certainly at an sub conscious level. Whatever is happening I don’t care because now I feel in control for the fist time in decades. Thank you to all the people who have shared their experiences and I am going to try and join face book but I’m not a social media fan. So that may well come next.
Hi there! I really need to lose some weight, it’s actually embarrassing and I feel sick looking in the mirror. 🙁