Weight loss goals that work – my three top tips for setting them

weight loss goals that work

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  This is a very special January for me because TEN years ago I launched Slimpod to the world!  Can’t quite believe it!

When I set out in 2011 I felt there was something huge I needed to share with the world.

I felt passionate about releasing people from the torment of years and years of dieting which led to failure frustration, hopelessness and despair.

I knew I could help people with diabetes and do something to reverse the obesity crisis.

I had a system which would enable people to take back control and trust themselves to make healthier food choices therefore lose the need to rely on diets or food plans.

I’m all about personal empowerment and freedom of choice. My dream was – and still is – to enable people to be happy, confident and be full of hope.

I want them to be guilt-free, gain freedom over their food choices and take back control over their appetite. I want people to feel proud of themselves and feel beautiful from the inside out.

Ten years ago I set my first major goal and that was to partner with the NHS and I’m so proud to say I’ve been doing that for the past four years.

I’m a serious goals fan because when done properly they really work – I know I wouldn’t have achieved what I have done if I hadn’t set goals, which are proven to work.

Setting weight loss goals that work

If you set weight loss goals that work, the hugely powerful  subconscious mind loves them.  When done properly they activate the part of your brain called the Reticular Activating system which is effectively a goal seeking missile!

But I know a lot of people have limiting beliefs and fears around goal setting so I’m addressing this and much more in my video today.

Learn how to set weight loss goals that work (and while you’re on The Slimpod Channel, please help me spread the word about weight loss by hitting the Like and Share buttons. To get priority notification of new videos, also hit the Subscribe button):

weight loss goals that work

In our private Slimpod Club group on Facebook, we’re kicking off the 10 year anniversary celebrations today with a Jumpstart January challenge!

If you’re not a member of the group and need some motivation to boot out the old year and kickstart 2021,  join the group and take part in the challenge!

Over 500 people in Slimpod Club have already said they’re taking part and it will be a lot of fun!

Also join me on my live chats this week when I’ll be doing a deeper dive into weight loss goals that work and things that might be stopping you from setting them.

I’ll be live on Instagram on Tuesday at 7pm, on our public Slimpod for Weight loss Facebook page on Tuesday at 7.30 and in our private Slimpod Club as usual at 8pm on Wednesday.

Let me know below if you’re a goalsetting fan!  Also let me know if you have limiting beliefs around the whole subject of weight loss goals that work and I’ll make sure I’ll use the feedback to help you by discussing the topics on my live chats.

If you’re not already a Slimpod user, learn how you can Try Slimpod Free For 10 Days in my no-risk, no-obligation trial!

11 thoughts on “Weight loss goals that work – my three top tips for setting them”

  1. Happy 10 year anniversary!
    Looking forward to doing my goal setting today and my 10 mins towards the challenge!
    Thank you

  2. karen martindale

    Thank you Sandra. Happy 10th Anniversary. I am restarting my journey following an illness. I have put back on all the weight I lost previously plus a bit more. I do believe in goal setting as long as they are achievable and regularly updated.

  3. Hello Sandra I am a slim podder. I never really set goals for anything really as I’m afraid of not completing them. Silly really but think it’s a mindset I need to change.

  4. Congratulations Sandra on 10 year anniversary.
    I like to set small achievable goals and I’m looking forward to been 1 of those 500 individuals who are taking part in the January challenge.

  5. Congratulations on your 10th anniversary Sandra, that’s wonderful!
    I really struggle with constructing goal maps!!!
    I never know how to break my end goal into manageable smaller goals, I worry that I will fail and it will send me into spiralling out of control, I know that sounds childish but I think it is a stumbling block, I’m not a visual person.

  6. Congratulations on your anniversary!
    I have set goals constantly but never reach them. I feel a complete failure as I really believe, that as an adult, I should easily achieve them (even if they are challenging). I’m no good at finding positives either and if I do manage to complete something, I self sabotage it somewhere along the way. I am a negative person I’m ashamed to say. I did reach a stage with Slimpod where I truly believed in it, I lost weight without even trying and I gained so much confidence that family and my few acquaintances remarked on “the new me” every time they saw me. Unfortunately, I felt so good, I set myself an exercise challenge in the facebook page (I have health issues and although I should do a little exercise if I do too much it leaves me in a lot of pain and wipes me out for days but I don’t realise I’ve done too much until it is too late) So being me, I just had to sabotage myself yet again and although I have given myself a stiff talking to on many occasions since that episode, I don’t seem to be able to get back where I was. I have put most of the weight I lost back on, I don’t do any exercise at all at the moment because I am in constant pain and the 8stone 10lbs I want to lose seems like an impossible dream. If you could help me get on the straight and narrow I would consider you a miracle worker!!! (I have Slimpod, Power Shower, and Slimpod Gold but never finished the Gold programme.)

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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