Sugary drinks: Jamie wants clearer label

Jamie Oliver’s latest idea in his crusade against added sugar is to change the labelling system on sugary drinks. He thinks the bottles should show very clearly how much added sweet stuff is in sugary drinks. The idea behind this new labelling system for sugary drinks is that we are used to the concept of adding teaspoons of sugar to our tea and coffee – one is a little, two is a lot, more than two is unnecessary.

By seeing the amount added to sugary drinks in terms of teaspoons, it gives a more tangible image than usual “grammes per 100 ml”, which let’s face it is a measuring concept that some of us older folks have yet to come to terms with…

By seeing the sugar teaspoon images like this we would be able to educate ourselves about the sugary drinks which we all know deep down are unhealthy.

And we’d also see the precise contents of the fruit juices and flavoured waters which many of us drink and give to our children believing them to be the healthy option. Which they’re not!

Here’s a picture Jamie posted on his Facebook page

Teaspoon labels on sugary drinks idea by Jamie Oliver - Thinking Slimmer blog

Jamie, who has made a documentary Sugar Rush about the perils of consuming too much added sugar, talks about sugary drinks on Facebook:

“On these pictures I’ve stuck on how many teaspoons of sugar are inside these drinks to give you clear and quick clarity so you can be aware.

“The industry doesn’t like this idea because in my opinion they would prefer you to be confused so you buy more product. Confusion = ££!

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“Have a look at the current nutritional labelling below my hack, there is no way it’s as clear and fast to understand is it?!

“Also guys be aware that these amounts apply to 250ml which is half the bottle AND this is for adult reference intake ?!? Not a child’s ??? Confused Yeah!!

“My belief is that if the public are given “Good Clear Information ” then you often make pretty good choices. The coming months will bring me much ridicule from industry so our only hope is that you guys have your voice heard.”

What do you think of Jamie’s new food labelling idea for sugary drinks?  Please let me know in the comments below.

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