I PICKED up a great weight loss tip from a Slimpodder on our Slimpod Club forum tonight and just had to share it. I often advise people to hang up on the front of their wardrobe the dress, skirt or pair of jeans they want to fit into. Seeing it every day is a great way of reminding the unconscious mind of the target it has been set.
One lady has taken it a clever stage further – this is her Slimpod tip: Not only does she have a smaller-size pair of jeans hanging up, she has pinned a note on them setting the date when she will fit into them – in her case June 1, about six weeks away.
This is a brilliant way of making a goal SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. I just love this original tip for making a goal Time-bound. Why not give it a try?
What Slimpod tip have you got for making your goals even more achievable? Please share your Slimpod tip below.