Slimpod Club Boot Camp briefing

LET’S get motivated and shift some inches! The Slimpod Club Boot Camp this Autumn is about losing weight and having fun along the way.  You’ll learn how to set effective goals and achieve them with the help of the group (and me!) keeping you accountable. It’s really important that you look in Slimpod Club for updates     because no-one will chase you.  This is all about you!

So here’s what needs to happen before this evening (September 14):

Three simple steps

  1. Take a picture of yourself today! Would be great to post it up in Slimpod Club tomorrow evening because it’s good for everyone to put a face to a name.  I love seeing all your lovely faces!
  2. Measure yourself because this is far more reliable than the scales
  3. Set good realistic goals.  This is of utmost importance!

You will already know about Smart goals – but here’s a reminder.

When you’re creating your goal, please make sure it’s meaningful – knowing  “why” you want this goal is essential because that’s what’s going to drive you for the next six weeks.

Some ideas on goals

* Can be a size goal (feeling comfortable in your size 14 trousers or going for a size down)

* Can be a weight goal, although not ideal because weight fluctuates for many reasons. Scales are evil!

* Or anything else that’s important to you

Some people are scared to set goals because in the past they’ve failed to achieve them. If that’s you, then think of your goal as something that gives you feedback rather than meaning failure.

A goal should be something that helps to plot your course to ultimate success, rather than a big obstacle that creates fear.  In fact, if you plan your obstacles (like a birthday party) then your brain won’t be surprised when you come up against a glitch!

Making the goal public helps you to be accountable.

I’m there to help you tonight (Sept 14) in the live chat from 8pm UK time – so if you’re not sure how to create the goals that’s your chance to ask me 🙂  Don’t be shy!  It’s important you get this bit right.

The purpose of the live chat is for instant help and guidance from me and others in the group.  I’m doing this too so we’re all in it together!

Because there’s so many of you, we’re setting up four teams. When you know your team (the lovely Debbie will tag you),  please publish your goals in your team thread.

Your team will hold you accountable and the weekly live chat will be your chance to regroup with everyone and for us all to do some cheer leading! Every little success counts!

Week by week we’ll develop this by building on your successes. This is how good habits are built.

I usually do some form of exercise each day – so let’s post post up videos when we’re out and about (or in the gym watching Bake Off!!) – let’s make this fun!

That’s it for now – I’ll be posting next steps later this week – look out for it!



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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
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