Our Slimpod Autumn Success Drive

I’m thrilled by all the positive responses we received after we announced the upcoming launch of our Autumn Success Drive on Tuesday. I’d love you to join all the others who’ll be taking part so here’s some tips to get you started. Basically, it’s time to dust off your trusty Slimpods (or sign up for a 10-day FREE trial if you haven’t experienced the Slimpod method yet)

As I’ve already mentioned in my previous blog, we’re going to be applying the Slight Edge philosophy, which is a tried and tested way of creating new habits that stick.  This will include the habit of listening to your Slimpod every day.

The secret of the Slight Edge is understanding the tremendous potential of simple, positive actions repeated over time and to understand that little steps, compounded, do make a difference. That the things you do every single day, the things that don’t look dramatic, that don’t even look like they matter, do matter. They not only make a difference—they make all the difference. The secret is to change the way you think.  Success is in a few simple disciplines,

We’ll be kicking off this Tuesday 7th October at 8pm at the weekly Slimpod Club gathering. Over the coming weeks we’ll also be  running a thread in Slimpod Club where we’ll encourage you to check in to say that you have completed your new habits  every day.  So you can use Slimpod Club as your accountability buddy!

To make things super easy, we’re even specifying the first two habits.  We’d love you to tell us your third one this Tuesday.  You can either check in every Tuesday evening or use the daily thread..whichever suits you best.

HABIT 1:  Listen to your Slimpod daily

HABIT 2:  Write down your three positives or changes that you have noticed (I’ll soon be writing a blog about why this is SO important)

HABIT 3:  Choose a health or fitness habit of your own that you would like to cultivate.  An example might be – I will cook a healthy meal for dinner (or lunch), or I will walk 10,000 steps each day, or I will take some time each day to stretch or practise yoga.  Just pick something that you want to achieve that can easily be done daily.

Sarah Woods, who has been very successfully applying Slight Edge principles to her own weight loss journey, will be one of the mentors for the  Slimpod Club Autumn Challenge.  You can read Sarah’s story here – Give your Weight Loss a Boost 

Here are Sarah’s top tips for applying the Slight Edge philosophy to your weight loss

One: Set yourself up to win – set yourself three small steps towards achieving your goal. They should be easy and achievable and you must be able to do them every day no matter what. Consistency beats quantity every time and every time you achieve your steps your self esteem and confidence rises.

Two: Do each step until it becomes a habit – if you do your steps every day, you start to feel wrong if you don’t do them…you know then you have created a good habit which becomes a permanent change to your lifestyle without effort.  Checking in with your support buddies on Slimpod Club each night will help you to be accountable for your habit.

Three: Be bothered – if you tell yourself “I can’t be bothered today” …be bothered! It’s only a simple step, it doesn’t take long and if you keep going you gain momentum so it becomes easier and easier to achieve. If you stop, it takes much more effort to start again.

Four: Make positive decisions – If you have to make a decision during your day…for example, shall I wait for the bus or walk to the next stop…chose the option which moves you closer to your goal rather than further away. Quite often there are pros and cons to both so make your goal the main pro!

Five: Don’t overthink it – it doesn’t matter what you “feel” like doing or not doing…just do your steps regardless! It’s very easy to talk yourself out of things, don’t overthink it, just DO it!

Sarah says:
Since applying the Slight Edge I have stopped self sabotaging my weight loss and I’m consistently on the downward curve rather than staying the same. It’s just tipping the balance in my favour and I am getting the results whilst really enjoying the journey!

SLIMPOD CLUB is a closed group on Facebook which you can join when you sign up for the Slimpod 10-day FREE trial. We’ll be kicking off our Autumn Success Drive on Tuesday October 7 2014 at 8pm so I look forward to seeing you there.

To join Slimpod Club send an email to CustomerService@ThinkingSlimmer.com and put “Slimpod Club” in the subject field. We’ll do the rest.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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