Salmon parcel recipe: Quick and healthy!

SALMON is such a tasty, healthy fish and it’s so easy to cook in just 20 minutes. Slimpodder Debbie O’Connor has shared this great recipe for a salmon parcel that’s quick, simple and very good for you! Salmon is an excellent source of vitamin B12, vitamin D, and selenium. It also contains niacin, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, phosphorus, and vitamin B6, which are all essential for wellbeing.

And as if that’s not enough, salmon is also packed with choline, pantothenic acid, biotin, and potassium. Here’s Debbie’s guide to making a salmon parcel in just 20 minutes or so


1 salmon fillet per person

soy sauce

lemon juice

sweet chili sauce

fresh ginger

Salmon parcel recipe from Thinking Slimmer

Put each salmon fillet on to a sheet of foil.  Drizzle over soy sauce, sweet chili sauce, lemon juice and grated ginger (adjust relative quantities of these to suit your taste)

Wrap each fillet into a foil parcel – not too tightly so the air can circulate

Bake in the oven at 180 degrees C  for about 20 minutes

Serve with brown rice and greens or a salad.  As you unwrap each parcel there will be a liquid sauce in it, which you can pour over the salmon.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
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