Why the road to happiness should not be rushed

I WAS at Tameside Hospital in Manchester on Monday visiting people who are on our  NHS/Slimpod programme and got very emotional when I heard the changes a lot of people are experiencing.  Yes, there’s weight loss, but it’s much deeper than this for so many.

One person has completely taken control of the chocolate habit that’s been controlling her for years (and she’s dropped a dress size) another is in control of her diabetes and another has described the last seven weeks as “life-changing”.

However, there are also a few people who are not progressing as quickly as others and I was there to offer my help and guidance.  One of the questions was “Why are some people doing better than others?”  This is such a great question so I decided to write a blog to explain.

We all know that Slimpod programmes are nothing like diets – in fact the exact opposite.

Slimpods create change from the inside and even though it’s a generic recording it works on the individual mind.

This is what makes it so special.  You see, no two people or no two minds are the same.  We have all had a different journey in life, different relationship with food, different beliefs and values, and different emotional triggers.

A study in Australia last year revealed a whopping 83 per cent of overweight and obese people are emotional eaters.  Negative emotions surrounding lack of control over food – shame and guilt being just two of them – are magnified and develop into low self-esteem.

Research has shown that a problem with managing your weight is ranked as one of the most shameful experiences you can have in your life.  When you feel shame, invariably you comfort eat.

So for many people, one of the solutions to their weight issues lies in the way they think about themselves because it can be THE root cause of emotional eating.

On Wednesday evening, in my live chat in our Facebook group, I asked people if they know they overeat because they don’t like themselves and the way they look and feel.

Unsurprisingly there was a big discussion with so many people agreeing that their emotional eating is connected to the way they feel about themselves.

If this is you then you’re in the right place because one of the functions of the Slimpod is to empower you to feel happier about yourself and your body image. When you feel happier about yourself it helps you to be in control of the emotional eating.

I find that dealing with the root cause of the emotional eating is the catalyst for major lifestyle changes.

Of course, this is the major difference between Slimpods and anything you’ll have done before, but it’s not instant.  As I’ve already said, no two minds are the same and no two people will have had the same experiences with their body or weight throughout their lives so far.

The Slimpod magic has a lot of unravelling to do in a lot of cases and if this is you, then patience and perseverance are the key words.

Our clinical trials were conducted over six months and it was established that a lot of people lost weight in the first half of the programme, but some lost most of the weight in the second half.

I hope this helps to explain why the process of losing weight varies from person to person.

Borrow my belief in the system – weight loss will happen at the fastest, safest rate for you.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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