Moira’s inspiring story of 70lbs lost and happiness gained

WE all love an inspiring story and if you’re anything like me, they give you motivation and make you feel really warm inside.  Every week I get stories from people whose lives are being transformed by their Slimpod programmes and Moira Mackenzie is one of them.  Moira was keen to inspire like-minded people to live a life without dieting and I’m  so grateful to her for agreeing to share her story with the media.

Here’s one of the quotes from Moira which appeared on the health pages of the Daily Express last week.

“My mindset around food has changed. I don’t have to restrict myself at all in what I eat, nothing is off limits. I just make healthy choices all the time. If I want chocolate I’ll have it, but only a couple of pieces. And I have smaller portions but I know they’ll fill me up.”

Moira went from a size 24 to a size 16 in her first year of listening to a Slimpod and is now down to a size 12, having lost an amazing 70lbs.

One quote from Moira struck a particular  chord with me, because as I’ve told you all before I was a fat teenager who was too embarrassed to go into dress shops. This is what Moira told the Express: “Before I could barely find anything to fit. Now I can go to any shop – and I do.  I always bought everything in navy blue or black so I didn’t draw attention to my size. But I love bright colours now. One of the greatest things is that my daughter, who’s a size 12 too, keeps borrowing my clothes – that is such a boost to me.”

The Daily Express headline

Something else Moira said brought a big smile to my face: “I’ve got so much more energy and I can keep up with my wonderful grandchildren. I’ve always been a happy person, seeing the good things in life. But I’m even happier now.”

Moira’s wonderful success proves that a Slimpod is not just about losing weight – it’s also about regaining long-lost confidence and becoming happy about life. Very happy!

You can read Moira’s interview with the Express here

Moira is an active member of our Slimpod community on Facebook and we all love her to bits!

11 thoughts on “Moira’s inspiring story of 70lbs lost and happiness gained”

  1. I work swing shifts early mornings then go home for awhile and go back late afternoon till 9 pm at night. My van had been vandalised by persons unknown and was down in the dumps a bit. This story of Moira not only inspires you, it cheered me up and I feel much better now. Please send some more stories like this when you can. Regards, Joe

    1. Thanks Julie. I cannot praise Slimpod enough. It certainly wasn’t a quick fix for me as took a long time, but I had been very overweight for most of my life!
      Good luck.

  2. I think Moira is fantastic and has achieved everything I want to.Hopefully this will give me the inspiration that I need having just been diagnosed with a slight heart problem I really need to slim down . Thank you Moira

  3. Thank you for your lovely comments. Whole point of sharing was to hopefully inspire others to achieve their weight loss dream. When I started this I was so sceptical having failed so often, but Slimpod really works and the support you get…for free!? is amazing. The whole team and fellow podders really want you to succeed and so many understand exactly what you’re facing, which is such a help.

  4. A beautiful inspiring story….. it proves persistence is key, mindset and attitude towards eating to me is always the best way to maintain a healthy Wright well done to Moira..

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
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