Vlog: Minds in harmony to achieve lasting weight loss

Ever wondered why losing weight seems to be a never ending battle?  Ever wondered why willpower just doesn’t last? Did you realise that you have two important parts to your mind and they both have to work together in order for you to lose weight and keep it off?

Watch this vlog now and all will be revealed! You’ll probably have heard people trying to make a decision who say “I’m in two minds about this.”

Well, they’re spot on – because we all have two minds, the conscious and the unconscious. If you want to make those important lifestyle changes which are the scret of lasting weight loss then you need to have those two minds working in harmony.

In my vlog below I explain the difference between your two minds. The way they work is quite different.

The conscious mind is the one you think with. The unconscious mind is the one you feel with.

Your conscious mind can focus on only a small number of things at any one time whereas your unconscious mind can pay attention to an infinite number of things all at the same time.

Most importantly, your conscious mind gives instructions while your unconscious mind follows instructions.  Being in rapport with your unconscious mind is the key to good health and well-being.

Because all of our repeated behaviour is generated by our unconscious it means that if we want to change behaviour we must enlist its help. Everyone knows how difficult it is to change our eating habits by conscious willpower alone.

It feels like it’s an impossible task. That’s because you can’t just change behaviours consciously, you have to enlist the help of the unconscious.

This is what the Slimpod programme does. It harnesses the power inside your unconscious mind and makes weight loss easy and sustainable.

Please leave a comment below and let me know about your success with Slimpod. Or if you have any questions about Slimpod, feel free to ask.

14 thoughts on “Vlog: Minds in harmony to achieve lasting weight loss”

    1. Customer Services

      Hi Diane, The four pods in the Gold programme are yours to keep for life. The programme itself, with all the video coaching and expert guidance, is spread over 12 weeks.

      1. I am interested in the January offer and wondered if the programme begins immediately or you can start at any time as i am having a serious operation on the 2nd Feb and will be out of action for quite a few weeks.

        1. Customer Services

          Hello Diane, The special offer price definitely ends at midnight on January 31. If you buy before then we can pause the programme for you until you let us know you’re ready to start.

  1. I have been on the plan for 13 days now and have lost over 6lbs!
    Everyone is starting to notice that I look different.
    I feel different and my clothes feel different.
    Yesterday I went out for lunch. I ate what I wanted, including sharing a pudding, but had absolutely no guilt whatsoever.
    My partner offered to make me some tea later that day and I declined as I genuinely wasn’t hungry. This is unheard of ?
    I am LOVING slimpod and recommending it to all my friends.

  2. Hi hi Sandra, I was doing really well ,I lost weight and went down a dress size,however I have been ill and now finding it so difficult to stop my binge eating,I have listened to Trevor,written my goals down but still cannot get back to sensible eating,Have you any suggestions? Thanks Phyllis.

  3. I have been using Slimpod Gold since January 18th so basically 3 weeks today. I’ve listened to my weight loss cd every night, often 2 or 3 times a night. I’ve also listened to my say no to sugar cd as well. I haven’t lost any weight at all even tho I have cut out sugar completely. I am eating more healthily too. I have also given up smoking since September Last year which is one of the reasons that at 12 stone 3 pounds I am the heaviest I have ever been. Am I expecting too much to have lost any weight yet with my Slimpod ?

  4. After a slow and sceptical start I have lost 9lbs ! I always liked exercise but find that I am doing twice as much as usual and feel full of beans. I am 75 and have always been inclined to be nicely rounded and have always had to consciously watch my weight . Now , because of the inspiration and continued support from Thinking Slimmer I am really enjoying being in control of my eating. Thank you so much Sandra.

  5. Really enjoying the programme so far feel more positive in myself seem to be making healthier choices already and have completelyblostbjnterestbin sweet things alreafy the only issue I seem to have is drinking alcohol I’m a very sociable person and booze is often a part of this any advice on cutting down? Thanks

  6. Hi what you say is exactly right but I am very slim not overweight but have had an eating disorder for most of my adult life. My problem is food obsession. I think about food all the time & clock watch until my next food fix. I have about1200 calories x 6 days then Saturday is my “day off” when I have some cake/eat out or cook something more interesting. How can I become more “normal” if there is such a thing without gaining weight & losing control. Any ideas regards Maria

  7. Shelley Mccormack

    Hi I am having to go out of country till beginning of April can I still have the £ 1 trial then thank you , and any tips to help while I am away .

    1. Hi Shelley, my best tip for you would be to enrol for the £1 trial right now. With the pods on the app you can listen anywhere in the world – make full use of the pods and the coaching while you’re away.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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