Goals: Make them really count this time

LET’S start the New Year with some really meaningful goals! Most successful people are goals orientated. They take time to identify what it is they want and they build up a really clear and detailed picture of what achieving the goals will look and feel like. Then they take regular action to move towards their goals. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, it is when you have the right tools and techniques to guide you.

You have the right tool – your Slimpod – and the advice and support in our Slimpod Club will give you the guidance you need.

Setting goals provides purpose, focus, direction and motivation. Goals help you know where you’re going, provide you with a better understanding of where you are now and help you to take the necessary steps forward in the right direction for success.

Without goals, you’re likely to drift and not get to where you want to be.

So if you’re up for this, let’s get started!

First, I’d like you to build up a detailed picture of the end result. It’s time to get yourself excited and motivated by imagining the positive emotions you will be experiencing when you complete your goals and achieve a 10 out of 10 feeling!

How will I look? What will I be wearing? How will I feel? What will it sound like? What will I be telling myself or what will others be telling me?

Great. You’ve completed the first step and developed a picture of how you want to be!
The next part is very simple: If a goal is a dream with a deadline, then to make your dreams a reality you need to take action!

So it’s time for the best part of this process – and that is real achievement! Take immediate action to ensure you’re achieving your goals and not just setting them.

There are seven things you must do with your goals.

ONE: Goals must be written down precisely. A goal that isn’t written down can easily become a vague notion, a fantasy or a dream.

TWO: Talk about your goals – make yourself accountable, not just to yourself but to your friends, family or anyone else who may be able to help keep you on track and keep you in a positive frame of mind. Slimpod Club is the place.

THREE: Goals must be measurable – how will you know when you’ve achieved your goal? To set a goal without at least one measure of its achievement is like planning a journey without a destination. Establish a way to measure the outcome.

FOUR: Assess and review your goals regularly – re-visit your goals to make sure you still have them in your sights and that you are indeed on track to achieving them. Make this a habit. We’ll do it in Slimpod Club!

FIVE: Goals must be specific – you should be able to describe your goal in a sentence that is clear and specific.

SIX: Goals should be positive – although the subconscious is amazingly powerful, it is unable to distinguish between positive and negative. Concentrate on the positive. For example, focus on what you stand to gain such as “I’m feeling good in size 12 jeans” or “I’m in a size 14 for my son’s wedding.”

SEVEN: Celebrate achieving your goals – when a goal is achieved remember to congratulate yourself and celebrate

So there you go. No excuses. Let’s make sure 2015 is your year…the year of transformation.

Free weight loss ebook for you

[NOTE: Download Sandra’s free ebook 7 Ways Your Brain Can Help You Lose Weight for more information and simple, proven ways you can fight back.]

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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