Lynn’s amazing story will lift you up and inspire you

FEELING supported is the backbone of any weight loss journey, whether it’s by family, friends or a group of like-minded people.

I’m SO proud that people say the support they get on our programme is one of the best they’ve experienced.

Within Slimpod Club, our private Facebook group, we have amazing support from the community, a buddy system and mentoring.

We also have a constant programme of motivational challenges. In addition, of course, I do my weekly live chats, which are designed to motivate and inspire.

But we recognise that the group support up until now has only been available if you’re a Facebook user.

So our lovely community managers, Kate Morris and Lynn Haddrell, are going to be hosting weekly Zooms called Gold Gatherings to support the whole community whether you’re on Facebook or not.

Kate and Lynn recently joined Team Slimpod. They’re both Slimpodders and have great stories to tell.

I asked Lynn to introduce herself to you all and you’ll be amazed by her video:

This is the inspiring takeaway from Lynn:

“Slimpod has made me feel like a completely new person but in truth this me was always there, I just didn’t know how to find her.

“I am slimmer, fitter, healthier and I can look in the mirror and smile.  I am a positive, calm, resilient and happy person who loves life.

“I’ve always been kind to others but am finally kind to myself too.”

What a wonderful, uplifting, full-of-hope story – just when we needed something to make us all feel better about life.

The Gold Gatherings are kicking off tonight (Monday Nov 2) at with a test run at 8pm for Slimpod Club members.  It’s an informal gathering for Slimpod Club members who want to meet up for a chat and get support.

If you’re in Slimpod Club, we’ve already posted details on how to log in to the Zoom chat.

The community managers do not give weight loss advice but they can share their wisdom about Slimpod and point you in the direction of help if you’re struggling.

Next week’s Gold Gatherings will be a coffee morning on Wednesday Nov 11 at 10am. This will be held at and will be open to all Slimpodders.

However, don’t go searching for until next week as it won’t be open until shortly before each Zoom meeting takes place.

I’ll email you full details about next week’s Zoom chat, including a password, nearer the time.

Meanwhile, please leave a comment below to let Lynn and myself know how her story has resonated with you.

13 thoughts on “Lynn’s amazing story will lift you up and inspire you”

  1. It sounds great. I’ll be at work though so I’m a little sad that I can’t join in. Will there be a re run ?

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Hiya, do you mean you can’t join next Wednesday at 10am? We’ll probably be hosting them on occasional evenings too.

  2. Yes I do , I work in a school so I’ll be in class. Also I have prior commitments tonight that I can’t change . Thanks for getting back to me.

  3. Very interesting and I can totally relate to everything thing Lynn said , I work constant night shift so I won’t be able to join in every week unfortunately ☹️

  4. I will be at work at 10am so unable to attend Gold Gathering. Hopefully they will be available to be viewed afterwards? Thanks.

  5. I am also at work during the day so couldn’t attend but thanks for sharing. Might be able to come on odd days off.

  6. Oh Lynn! I identified with so much of your story. I have walked round shopping centers crying my eyes out when buying clothes and stopped going shopping for clothes altogether until recently starting to order things again. I am just coming out of the other side of a bad week and you have shown me this stuff happens. Thanks for sharing

  7. I started Slimpod about 4 years ago. It was great at first and then I just couldn’t get back into it. After hearing Lynn speak I’m inspired to begin again and look forward to seeing the changes that once thrilled me so much. Thanks Lynn!

  8. What a wonderful interview, I could be accused of being biased as Lynn & I share the role of Community manager, but her honesty & beauty are there for all to see, she is an amazing ambassador for Slimpod!

  9. Your experience Lynn definitely resonates with me. I wasn’t limited in what I could eat as a child(and was a fatty) but when I dieted as an adult and sometimes was hungry when I went to bed and then couldn’t sleep- I developed a fear of being hungry at night and started snacking at bedtime. I’ve just recently realized I should not fear being hungry.

  10. I’ve finally learned to trust 100% in this programme and leave the world of Slimming clubs behind. Thank you Slimpod for giving me the confidence to finally do this. Already I feel less stressed as I don’t have to weigh in weekly. I have struggled for far too long by putting my trust in diet clubs and became a classic yo-yo dieter. Not any longer! Since SP, I have lost 1 stone and kept it off. Want to drop a couple more dress sizes now.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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