Let’s lose some inches now the holidays are over

THE holiday season is over so let’s get motivated and lose some inches! For many people, holidays really mess up daily routines so now’s the chance to get back in the groove and get motivated to shift some inches!  I’m going to help you with a quick recap on goal-setting and a couple of tasks to kick you off!

If you’re a member of our private Slimpod group on Facebook, then Debbie is running some special motivational threads in there for the next few weeks.  If you’re not on Facebook then watch out for my blogs for the next few Mondays.

So, back to basics!

If you want success with anything in life you really should set goals. Why? Well a goal provides a target on which to concentrate your effort. Goals give you direction and allow your mind to focus on what you want to achieve.

By setting goals you’re also able to measure your progress because you have a start and finish date. They provide mental boundaries so you avoid distractions and remain focused on the goal. They make you accountable.

Now I’m very well aware that some people find goal-setting triggers all sorts of negative reactions.

This is usually because in the past they’ve failed to achieve their weight loss goals and now the very thought of setting a goal to lose some inches creates an instant obstacle and is far to painful to contemplate!

If this is you, I’d urge you to think about the process differently and use it as a feedback mechanism to help you measure progress rather than something that makes you feel a failure.

During the next few weeks I’ll be teaching you how to overcome this feeling so it’s no longer an obstacle stopping you from achieving your goals – it will be very exciting!

So we’ll kick off by thinking about the big goal.

When you’re creating your goal, please make sure it’s meaningful – knowing why you want this goal is essential because that’s what’s going to drive you!

Some ideas on goals to lose some inches

* A size goal. These are the BEST because it’s the clothes you’re wearing that tell the story.  Getting into that next size down would be the perfect goal!

* A weight goal.  Really not ideal because weight fluctuates for many reasons. Scales really have a habit of making you feel bad and should be abandoned and put in a cupboard!  This is about helping you to feel great!

* A health goal.  Some people want to get their diabetes under control…great goal!

The next step is to break the goal down into mini goals and this bit is easy because we’re all going to do it together.

For the next week I would like you to do just two things every day

ONE: Listen to your Slimpods EVERY day

Obviously, listening to your Slimpod (and other pods if you have them) is crucial if you’re to lose some inches and it’s one of the things many people find difficult to do every day.  Let’s make sure you make this a habit in the next 21 days!

It’s only 9 mins and you’ll be asleep in 2 mins so make it your first task to focus on this.  If losing weight is important to you then you’ll do it.  Set an alarm for the same time each day!  It really couldn’t be easier!

TWO: Write down three positive things that have happened in your day.

We ask you to write down three positives for two very good reasons.

  1. Seeing is believing.  For the first few weeks the changes in your lifestyle and eating habits are magical – but if you’re a busy person they can go unnoticed if you don’t take two mins at the end of the day to write them down.Many people who have struggled with their weight for years have a very negative self-image.  A large part of the journey with our programme is to empower you to feel good about your “self” because feeling good IS so important to wellbeing and it’s empowering!
  1. Writing down three good things that have happened in your day primes your mind to think more positively.  After a time this actually changes the brain and the changeability of the brain is known as neuroplasticity.  Every thought, regardless of what it’s about, creates chemical reactions in the brain, and when repeated often, structural changes too.  This is also why we ask you to listen to your Slimpod repeatedly.

Lose some inches weight loss success book
Get yourself a lovely notebook to write your positives in. Here’s a great example.

So now’s the time to get to it and lose some inches! For the next seven days, feed back every day by using the comments section below or post on Slimpod Club on Facebook. I’ll be looking out for you!

46 thoughts on “Let’s lose some inches now the holidays are over”

  1. You’re quite right Sandra! It’s a bit like the word ‘diet’ which sends me into an eating frenzy. It sounds rediculous but I don’t want to write down my goals for all to see just in case I fail to reach them. I know that my weight has stayed stable which in itself is a positive but I really would like to get into the size down rather than an uncomfortable inbetween.

  2. Thanks Sandra! I happened to buy myself a beautiful little notebook in a bookbinder’s shop a few weeks ago, so I shall start writing positives in it today. I love your regular emails, they’re just the right sort of support for me ?

  3. Here in the US, September 11th is a somber occasion. I think it’s a perfect time to spread some positivity. So, today, I’m feeling energetic and on track. I’m motivated to resist sweets today. That is my goal.

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Oh I know Sharon. I was in New York last year and visited the memorial. Very moving. Have you got the sugar Pod?

  4. Great motivational words,after some health issues I am ready again to embrace and build upon the half stone I have already lost with SlimPod

  5. I am definitely going to doing this. I listen to my slimpod twice a day but still struggle. My weighing machine is being disposed of. Will concentrate on size.

  6. Sounds like a good idea, although I haven’t given up on boot camp yet! I suppose the feedback from that which I am going to carry forward is that it is not a race and that we should not focus too much on time. I came to this conclusion by thinking that if I am now eating in a way that is healthy and sustainable why would I want to reach a point were I am 1 or 2 sizes slimmer only to think ‘goal achieved – I can give my self food treats’. In our society here in the UK most of us have easy access to a wide range of food, and whilst once upon a time the quantity of food we could put on our table was a sign of our social status this approach is no longer necessary because most of us can put protein and healthy carbs on the menu for every meal to give us our basic fuel for daily activity. Thus, we really don’t need extra treats! And if we do want a treat make it a non food based one or at least a healthy option. P.S. I do know there are many hard working people who have very few options around their food choices and there is much in our society that remains profoundly unfair.

  7. Thank you Sandra for writing this Autumn success drive. Sometimes it’s nice to recap for us old slimpodders and have a boost. ?

  8. I need this–just bought the chocolate slimpod to boost myself!
    I’ve been going through a silly blip and I KNOW I feel much better when I listen each night.
    I’m in!

  9. This email is very timely for me, I think my weight has been creeping up over the past few months and I need to take some action. The simplicity of what Sandra you are proposing is attractive – so I will give it a try. I also love notebooks, and I have a lovely one right here which I received as a gift several months ago – now I know what to do with it!

  10. Am not good with positive thoughts, so this is where I need to start from, and listen to Slimpod every night. I have been taking fits and starts which is probably why I’m getting nowhere fast. Goal is to drop a dress size, and drop into the next stone with my weight. Yes, I know you’re anti scales, Sandra, but it suits my thought process. Off to buy a Journal for positive thoughts!!

  11. Inspirational words….Every day is a positive and it makes me more focused when I have set at least one goal…..a dress size less would be good, I seem to have ballooned over the last few weeks. Today is day 2 of using my slimpod, and a positive step forward.

  12. I have tried diets on and off for years and the only result is that I am now heavier than ever! This is my last resort so I will do my best to ( I mean I WILL) stick to your advice. Thank you Sandra.

  13. I like the idea of writing 3 positives a day hoping that I can (will) achieve this!
    It can be hard to believe in oneself after so attempts at trying to loose weight!

  14. Thank you Sandra, I found this very interesting and I will go back to writing down my positives and GOALS. I do listen every night but still struggling. I look forward to your future emails.

  15. I need to make time for me – this is something that I don’t often do. I get stressed easily and think that listening to Slimpod is helping me to take a few minutes for me to just relax and unwind. I have been listening to it 2-3 times a day since ‘finding’ Slimpod. I am feeling very motivated.

  16. Morning Sandra, I am glad your still in touch & it’s come at the right time for me. I’m having a stressful time & have reverted to the sweets for comfort even at present I have not put the weight back on but I am on self destruct. I do not do Facebook but the book is a good idea I will get one. I listen to all my slimpods every night and they’re a god send to me at the moment especially the chill pods. I do listen to the weight one as well everyday. I am struggling with goals in general but I think going a size less would be a realistic one for me. Thank you

  17. Thanks Sandra for the above suggestions … I still listen to my Slimpod on a regular basis and find the continuity of listening is a key contributor in helping to keep my weight off.
    I am still 2x jean sizes down from when I started and haven’t used the scales since March 3rd of this year… Thanks Again and Best Regards…Dave F

  18. I listen every day, but have stopped seeing positives only focusing on the negatives. I’ve been podding since April and still haven’t managed to get to a target so I am going to re read the ebooks I have, set new goals and write down my 3 positives again.

  19. Thanks for keeping in touch Sandra, just motivator I need at the moment. I haven’t been listening to my slimpod for few weeks and notice the difference. I am so stressed at work just now but I promise myself that I will take a little bit of each day to myself.

  20. I now have a step counter and intend to work out my average daily steps over each week and this will encourage me to increase my steps and get back feeling healthier.

  21. I am a new, I have tried every diet aging, have managed over the years to keep weight down but now struggling with at least a stone & half that I haven’t been able to face yet another strikes diet. I am feeling very positive about the slim pods. & will look forward to just eating healthily without weighing and measuring. Couldn’t get over yesterday saying no to my very nice home made fruit cake ?And I did not feel I was depriving myself. I will get a little book tomorrow to keep my achievements

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
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