Inspiring! That’s the only word for Darin

SOME people are so inspiring! And Darin McCloud is right at the top of the list of people I admire. He’s one of our greatest Slimpodders, having transformed himself from a 20-stone couch potato into an athlete and cyclist. Having lost almost 70lbs with his Slimpod, Darin has run the London Marathon, cycled across Cuba and taken part in so many events he’s starting to lose count. Not only has he transformed his body but his confidence and self-esteem are sky high and he’s a wonderful example to us all.

Darin’s been updating me on his latest adventures, and they’re pretty impressive. With 30 other riders, he’s just cycled the 300-plus miles from York to Portsmouth to raise money for seven charities.

Darin McCloud from 20 stone couch potato to athglete with a Thinking Slimmer Slimpod

This annual ride was inspired by a seven-year-old boy with a terminal brain tumour, Jack Robinson, and all the money Darin and his friends raise goes towards charities which help children and their families who face similar tragedies in their lives.

Darin has also completed a duathlon, which involves several hours of real hard work running and cycling. But by the look of his face at the finish (pictured above), Darin just takes it all in his stride.

In his email to me this week, Darin said: “I even surprise myself sometimes.” Darin, nothing about you ever surprises me – you’re amazing and you show people just what can be achieved physically once you get the mind on the right track.

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[NOTE: Download Sandra’s free ebook 7 Ways Your Brain Can Help You Lose Weight for more information and simple, proven ways you can fight back.]

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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