“I Can’t Keep Doing This” – How Jane Transformed Her Life

A Huge Thank You to Jane!
Before we dive in, I just want to take a moment to say a massive thank you to Jane Foster. Not only has she bravely shared her journey with us, but she’s also featured in The Weight’s Over: Take Back Control. Her honesty, resilience, and determination will inspire so many. Jane,   I am beyond grateful for you!

Some transformations begin with a grand moment of realisation. Others, like Jane’s, start with a quiet, tired whisper of “I can’t keep doing this.”

Jane’s relationship with food was complex—fuelled not by hunger but by emotion. She vividly remembers sitting in her car, hands sticky with cake crumbs, wondering why she kept doing this to herself.

It wasn’t about food. It was about self-worth. And deep down, she didn’t believe she deserved better.

In Jane’s own words

To hear her story in her own words: Watch the video below, read her story or listen to the podcast.

A Life of Numbness

For years, Jane lived on autopilot. Processed meals, binge eating, and clothes that never felt quite right. Cooking seemed overwhelming, and her health was deteriorating fast. She was constantly exhausted, her body in pain, and she found herself in and out of hospital.

She felt powerless—trapped in a body that no longer felt like her own.

The Turning Point

One day, the thought of staying the same became heavier than the thought of changing.

It started small. She challenged herself to cook just one meal. Just one. That first dish—a simple chicken and bean stew—felt monumental. It wasn’t perfect, but it was hers. And that mattered.

That one meal became two. Two became a week. Then a month. And slowly, without even realising it, Jane was taking back control.

A Newfound Confidence

With Slimpod, Jane embraced healthier habits and her body responded. She went from a size 24 to a 16—not because she was forcing herself to a strict eating plan, but because she was nurturing herself in a way she never had before.

More importantly, she felt strong. She started dressing in ways that reflected her self-respect. She saw a woman in the mirror she recognised again.

Her energy levels soared. The chronic pain eased. Her blood sugar and blood pressure stabilised, and she was able to come off several medications.

For the first time in years, she felt alive.

Moving Forward with Strength

Jane’s journey is ongoing, as all journeys are. There are still tough days, but she now knows how to navigate them.

She’s not just surviving anymore—she’s thriving.

For anyone feeling trapped in an endless cycle, Jane wants you to know:

🔹 You are not alone.
🔹 You are not powerless.
🔹 Small steps lead to big changes.

Her story is living proof that it’s never too late to take back control.

Your Turn

Jane’s transformation didn’t happen overnight, and neither will yours. But if her story resonates with you, let it be your sign to start.

It might be as simple as cooking one meal. Taking one walk. Making one promise to yourself—and keeping it.

Because you deserve it.


💬 Let us know in the comments—what’s one small step you’re committing to today?

For more inspiring success stories follow me on instagram at @sandraroycroftdavis or go to the success gallery area of my blog

2 thoughts on ““I Can’t Keep Doing This” – How Jane Transformed Her Life”

  1. I totally resonate with everything Jane says and went through, Jane you are an inspiration congratulations x

  2. Very inspiring. thank you so much for sharing your journey. Reading this has certainly helped with my motivation.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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