How to Take Control of Cravings and Stop Feeling Powerless Around Food

I know how frustrating cravings can be. You’re trying your best, making good choices, and then suddenly—bam!—you’re hit with a powerful urge for something sweet, salty, or just off-limits. It can feel overwhelming, like your body is working against you.

But here’s the truth: cravings are not your fault.

This is something I researched in depth for my book, The Weight’s Over- Take back control  because cravings are one of the biggest hidden struggles of dieting. In fact, 75% of people in my research reported experiencing intense cravings while trying to lose weight.

Why Cravings Happen (It’s Not About Willpower!)

Your brain and body are simply responding to what they see as food scarcity. The moment you restrict certain foods, your brain starts making them seem even more tempting. It’s a survival mechanism!

The Science Behind It:

  • Food Restriction Increases Dopamine Sensitivity
    When you cut out foods, your brain becomes hypersensitive to them. Your dopamine system—the part of your brain that controls reward—kicks in, making you want those foods even more.
  • Decision Fatigue Makes Resisting Harder
    We make around 200 food-related decisions a day, willpower alone just isn’t enough. By the end of the day, decision fatigue sets in, and resisting cravings becomes even harder.
  • The “All-or-Nothing” Mindset Backfires
    So many of us have been trapped in that “all-or-nothing” mindset. You eat one biscuit and think, “Oh well, I’ve ruined today, might as well have the whole packet.” That’s not a failure—it’s just a pattern your brain has learned over time. But the good news is, you can unlearn it.

How to Take Back Control

It’s not about having more willpower—it’s about working with your brain, not against it. Here’s how:

1️.Ditch Rigid Rules

The more you tell yourself a food is off-limits, the more your brain will crave it. A flexible approach—where nothing is banned—takes the power away from cravings.

2️.Practice self-compassion

Cravings aren’t a sign of failure. Studies show that being kind to yourself actually reduces stress and helps you make better choices.


Try reframing slip-ups as learning opportunities. Ask yourself, “What triggered this, and how can I handle it differently next time?”

4️.Pause and question your hunger

Are you truly hungry, or is this emotional? Try drinking a glass of water and waiting a few minutes—often, the craving will pass.

5️.Set up a supportive environment

Keep nourishing foods within easy reach and reduce exposure to triggers that make you crave less helpful choices.

Cravings Are Normal—But They Don’t Have to Control You

With the right mindset and small shifts in your approach, you can break free from the cycle and feel more in control of your choices.

Have you struggled with cravings? Let me know in the comments how you handle them! ⬇💬

Looking for a Story That Really Hits Home?

Looking for a story that really hits home? Caroline’s journey is one so many can relate to. Stuck in the endless cycle of dieting, she felt out of control—until Slimpod changed everything. Now, food feels effortless, exercise is a joy, and guilt is a thing of the past.

👉 Click here to read her inspiring story!

1 thought on “How to Take Control of Cravings and Stop Feeling Powerless Around Food”

  1. I have just finished my trial. I am amazed at how my cravings have just stopped! I love chocolate but now have a square of dark. if I need something sweet, which hasn’t been very often at all. I feel so positive that I can do this

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
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