How to lose weight well: Believe in your dreams and you will achieve

How to Lose weight well slimpod

HOW to lose weight well is everyone’s goal and one of the key parts of our Slimpod programme is about personal empowerment – giving people back control over their food and lifestyle choices.  We base a lot of our system on positive psychology and we encourage people to share their wins.

When you share good things you feel good and you inspire others!

So I thought I’d share some of my big wins this week because I’m very proud of them!  I hope they’ll inspire you too!

For many years my dream has been to make a difference to the health of the staff working our National Health Service.

The people who work so hard to keep us healthy and alive are the least able to keep themselves healthy because their working environment makes it so difficult.

It’s not been an easy ride – and I had to really believe in my dream!

However, nearly two years ago it happened and I began working with the Chief Executive and staff at Tameside Hospital in Manchester to help staff lose weight and be healthier.

I’ve loved every minute of it and together we’ve been making a big difference.

A year ago the restaurant became the first hospital restaurant in the UK to go sugar free and it made the news!

Last June the producers of Channel 4’s How to Lose Weight Well asked if they could feature us on their programme. Well! That was a bit of a no-brainer!!

We spent a day filming and we enjoyed every minute of our time with Dr Xand!!

Here’s me being interviewed by Dr Xand for How To Lose Weight Well…

how to lose weight well sandra slimpod

Throughout the 12 weeks the staff had to record their video updates in a Whatsapp group and it was so wonderful getting to know these wonderful people. Their eating habits changed and it was SO lovely to witness the joy and happiness.

The programme was broadcast on Monday evening and I was very nervous about what would make it on to the screen because we weren’t told in advance.

I must admit I was a little disappointed with how little time they gave to the results because we gave them loads of footage. Lovely Dawn, who was featured, felt they could’ve shown more too but I know there’s a limit to how much can be crushed into the show and I’m SO  very grateful to Channel 4 for the opportunity.

In case you missed it here’s some pictures and you can see it on the Channel 4 site. It’s in the second half of episode two.

And here’s the real stars of How To Lose Weight Well, some of our lovely Tameside hospital staff…

how to lose weight well slimpod nurses

The TV publicity has attracted tons of people to Slimpod so a very warm welcome if you joined us after watching the programme.

If you didn’t watch the show, here’s where you can see it.

How To Lose Weight Well

Slimpod’s always in the national press, it seems, and this week saw us pop up in three places.

The Daily Mirror did a lovely piece on how we’ve helped the staff at a hospital to be healthier and happier. You can read the Mirror article here.

The low calorie healthy eating hospital

Then our lovely nurse Laurabeth Ives, who’s lost an amazing amount of weight with Slimpod and looks just sensational, was featured in the Daily Mirror and two other national newspapers.

Here’s the Mirror article

As a result, I’m so proud that several hospitals have been in touch about the work we’re doing at Tameside and a lot of NHS staff have become part of the community. It warms my heart so much.

So there’s my Win Of The Week! I hope it’s helped inspire you to believe in your goals – because when you believe, you achieve! That’s how to lose weight well.

Tell me more about your dreams and goals by dropping me a comment below.

30 thoughts on “How to lose weight well: Believe in your dreams and you will achieve”

  1. Hi, I saw the episode of How to Eat well on Monday, and joined Slimpod on Tuesday… already feeling the benefits and praying it’s the turning point I’ve been looking for.

  2. I have tried so many ‘diets’, not the MacDonald’s, Potato or Charcoal, though I must admit, and I have lost and put back on, and lost and put back on….. and now have come to the conclusion that Intuitive Eating is the only sensible way to go. I want a ‘plan’ that will work and I think, no, I know, that must be a life style change.

  3. Ive left Tameside Hospital last year due to ill health l wish l had done it earlier with them or even years and years ago Thank you

  4. Hi I joined after watching the programme, this is only day 3 but I think I am beginning to feel slightly positive. I also work for the NHS in Tayside. Fingers crossed this will be a life style change as like many other’s I have tried most diets,which work at the time then you put it all back on. Really glad I watched the programme, thank you Sandra and team for adding me onto your list x

  5. I am on day three ….. and the changes are small but noticeable…. changed tea for sugar free vimpto …… one many twix that would cause a binge to one small twix and apple …. some changes in my shopping !

  6. Yevheniya Tsarenko

    I really enjoy your video. I do believe in losing weight. Would love to sign for Slimpod, but it’s a bit expensive. Already feeling positive just to watch short video. Hopefully I will get one day Slimpod.
    Thank you

  7. My dream is to be a size 12 / 14 again, so my goal is to try and eat more healthier and although exercise is difficult for me due to health reasons , I am however going to give it my best. X

  8. I watched the program as we record the series. These guys talk more understandable sense than anyone. I too was disappointed at the small coverage however, it helps us to spread the word on social media as people actually on the Slimpod program. Congrats on making it to a wider audience, this is going to be massive before you can blink! Well done!

  9. I’m desperate to.lose weight but I am no good with any kind of hypnotherapy. My mind wanders I.cannot concentrate and I have no patience.

  10. Brilliant Sandra that lots have signed up after the programme. I was disappointed on such minimal coverage, but obviously sufficient for many to join. I’ve worked for the NHS for 40 years and yes many of us nurses are overweight. Working in the community there is no restaurant, so is down self discipline and preparation and taking the break in order to eat. But it is so possible with Slimpod encouragement

  11. Really pleased your program went well Sandra. Hospital doctors and nurses are always rushed off their feet that I imagine they hardly think about what they are eating during the day. I’m not rushed off my feet but I sleep a lot with my ME, the problem I have then is I either miss meals totally so am then hungry mid afternoon or I wake up and have a hard time trying to put something together. My general activity is very light, its on the up with the help of slimpod but not by much which can be frustrating. Thing is I get unwell easilly, especially at this time of year and that causes me to be even tireder and so sleep more. I’ve learned not to beat myself up over that because its beyond my control. I’m trying to sort out my eating and have been successful to a point but because I plateaued after losing a load of weight I got despondant and have had more ‘sugary’ stuff over the past year. I’m cutting down with the help of slimpod. I’ve set my main goal as to reach a size 16/18 by the end of January 2020. Considering it took me a year to lose the same amount of weight I have still to go I think that’s a reasonable time. My biggest problem is eating. I buy all the veg and meat. The veg often goes out of date and the frozen meat has to be binned often before I use it. I have so little energy to putting to preparing/cooking meals. I think that is the thing that gets me the most because I’ve always loved cooking since a child. Now I end up using more ready made stuff. I buy bags of salad to try and have a handful with each meal but they go over so quickly, especially when I end up missing a meal. I don’t mean this to be all negative, things are improving and I am eating more fresh food than I was doing. Like you say, change takes time, with me it just takes a little longer to get to where I’m going. I will get there though. I’ve been that size once and shall be there again eventually. The weight I have lost up to now shows I can do it. Even though I haven’t yet lost weight with the slimpod I am happier and more motivated than I have been for a long time, for that I have you and the slimpod to thank.

    1. Have you tried buying healthy ready meals and keeping them in your freezer then when you wake up hungry you only need to defrost and heat them in the microwave. You could also batch cook some healthy meals when you are feeling better and freeze them.

      1. I have used ready meals in the past but I know they are not as good as fresh food. I batch cook when I can but its very rarely. Thank you for your advice though.

  12. Since listening to Trevor it have had a real urge for sugar. Normally have my sugar under control. Have lost a lot of weight previously but now hit a plateau, so trying Slimpod , hopefully will rewire the brain.

  13. I am not the social media type I don’t seem to have the time.but I went to the meeting in the festival hall 9thof January, and just thinking about what I eat beforehand has improved my diet ,4lbs off .i have to work in £. Shillings and pence.i now have find time to exercise.

  14. I was one of those people who joined after that broadcast. I am a few days in on my journey and have noticed little things are starting to change.

  15. I’ve just completed week one and so far so good. My problems before have always been to do with self sabotage and defiance of diets, but this is different I am making the choices ! I am empowered !
    I’m struggling a little with sweet stuff still but am now only eating sweet after meals. I’m going to add on the sugarpod and hopefully will start to see more positive changes. Thankyou so much xxx

  16. I am just at the end of my first week, and am feeling the changes already! The first thing I noticed was that I am sleeping much better and my husband says I sleep more soundly and am less restless. Sleeping better has made me feel so much better. I went out on a family birthday meal and really enjoyed the salad I chose, and comments were made that I had not have much at all to drink! I had, t even noticed and I came away feeling I had enjoyed my meal out. I have fought my weight problems all my life, my weight yo yoing on so many different diets.I am so grateful to have been invited onto the Denton trial and feel this is going to change my life, I am really optimistic.

  17. I have never been on a diet and don’t approve of them anyway really until about 2 years ago when I joined Slimming World, 3 weeks before Christmas. It was ridiculous. All you think about is food!! And it was SO difficult to put family meals together and it didnt seem very healthy either. I lasted less than a month and vowed never again. I watched Lose Weight Well on Monday and signed up by Wednesday. Everything I have read/heard so far in the programme makes logical and common sense and confirms what I already know deep down – our minds control us. In my case I am always so tired and it’s too much effort to produce good tasty healthy food for the whole family as there are fussy eaters – my partner only likes plain food and no fish, garlic or spices, one of my teenage sons doesn’t eat anything with tomato (except pizza!) and I have a lot of stress in my life due to family illness. I am So So pleased I’ve signed up for Slimpod. I am so positive already and feel that I could actually finally lose the 2 or 3 stones I’ve wanted to for so many years. Already I’ve turned down chocolate biscuits and I haven’t felt hungry all the time and eaten for comfort. I also feel hungry, eat and feel full without thinking I need more. Really enjoying the 9 minute recordings. I keep playing them!

  18. I find out about slimpod through the programme and joined. I have noticed changed in my choices. I have always ate healthily but what sabotage myself through snacking. I don’t do that now and not through will power, just don’t do it. Thank you

  19. Mrs Sylvia Knight

    It was the article in the Daily Mirror that prompted me to follow the link last week, and I am so pleased I did. I forwarded it to my daughter, and she has started doing it too.

  20. samanthamaywalker

    I joined because I saw Slimpod featured on How To Lose Weight Well. It might have been a short piece but the positive impact it’s having came over well. I joined 9 days ago and it’s making a difference, I’m seeing results.

  21. I dream of taking my constant companion my dog for a walk. I used to love to be outside looking after my garden. All this has stopped because I have arthritis in both knees. I paid for a replacement knee and it is stronger but I still get pain. The NHS will not fund my other knee to be replaced because my BMI is too high. I live in Staffordshire and my daughter lives in Derbyshire and she tells me she knows several people who have had both knees replaced. Its a post code lottery. Maybe less weight will mean more mobility. I hope so.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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