Get moving! Get motivated! Start my super new 21-day fitness challenge today

ONE thing I’ve noticed over the years is that when people have done about 14 days of a healthy lifestyle regime their motivation can suddenly become much weaker.  So let’s keep the motivation going!  Now that we’ve done 14 days of our #SummerChallenge, I’ve got something that will definitely keep you motivated for the next few weeks!

Watch my new video to discover what it’s all about (and please hit the Like button and subscribe to my channel to see all my Slimpod videos completely free of charge!)

In the video I mentioned the lovely Caroline Lockie and here’s a video she created last year which is truly inspirational!

A recap of the tasks this week in #SummerChallenge:

ONE: Set yourself a daily exercise goal – a distance to walk or run or a number of strength exercises to achieve.

TWO: If you’re at a desk all day, set an alarm on your phone every 50 minutes to remind you to get up and walk for 10 minutes.

THREE: Get your heart rate up regularly – walking or running up stairs is great for that. Or take part in a YouTube exercise video.


FOUR: There’s a new Couch to 5K thread in Slimpod Club – and there’s no better time to join in.

FIVE: Be accountable! There’s an accountability thread in Slimpod Club or you can post comments daily on this blog to share your progress.

Remember our Slimpod motto: All movement is exercise!

4 thoughts on “Get moving! Get motivated! Start my super new 21-day fitness challenge today”

  1. Great motivation as usual Sandra I will continue to exercise daily with Lucy her videos are brilliant have been doing them for the last 2 months daily sometimes twice daily even on holiday, so quick and really get my heart rate up , but for my 21 day challenge within my regime is to pick up some weights 20 mins 3 times a week and drink more water

  2. I have today signed up for my workplace Global fitness challenge and plan to walk 8000 steps minimum per day

  3. I saw your video last night and decided to increase my time on my exercise bike to six days upto 30minutes a session gradually And resistance training three days a week

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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