From Bingeing to Balance: Jane’s Slimpod Story

This month, the voted Podder of the Month, voted for by you, is Jane! 

Jane’s Slimpod journey began just over a year ago, and last month she marked a huge milestone—her Poddiversary! 🎈 A massive happy Poddiversary, Jane! In the past year, she’s not just transformed her relationship with food, but she’s also become an unwavering source of support in our community. Whether it’s joining the Slimpod Live events, participating in Gold Gatherings, or cheering on fellow Podders, Jane is always there, lifting others up.

💫 A Year of Change 💫

Here’s what Jane has accomplished in just 12 months:

✅ Gone down two dress sizes 👗
✅ Stopped drinking alcohol 🍷🚫
✅ Stopped biting her nails (a hidden sign of stress—gone!)
✅ Stopped obsessing about food—what to eat, when to eat it, how many calories it has!
✅ Stopped the daily weigh-ins that used to control her mood 🎭
✅ Stopped the cycle of counting calories all day, only to binge on wine and snacks at night

But that’s not all… because what Jane started is even more inspiring:

🌟 Started eating healthily every day
🌟 Started craving green smoothies instead of junk food
🌟 Started feeling good in front of a full-length mirror (she didn’t even own one before!)
🌟 Started looking forward to exercise
🌟 Increased her love of swimming
🌟 Increased her love of life 💖
🌟 Increased her love of YOU, her fellow Podders!

Jane’s journey is the perfect reminder that Slimpod isn’t about restriction—it’s about freedom. It’s about letting go of the things that weigh you down (physically and emotionally) and embracing the things that bring you joy, confidence, and energy.

🎤 Join Us in Celebrating Jane! 🎤

Jane, you are living proof of what happens when you trust the process and let go of dieting mindsets. Your transformation is nothing short of amazing, and we are so lucky to have you in this community. Thank you for inspiring us all! 

Vote for next month’s podder of the month here

Podders, if Jane’s story has motivated you, drop a comment below and give her some love! 💛✨

7 thoughts on “From Bingeing to Balance: Jane’s Slimpod Story”

  1. Susan Blanchard

    Amazing even though I am a bit biased being her sister but she bought me into podding and I have lost a stone 💜💜

  2. Well deserved Jane! Stories like yours inspire me and help me to feel positive about today, tomorrow and the future. 😊🎊

  3. Susan Langridge

    Reading about Jane and her wonderful transformational journey brought more than a few tears to my eyes. I think this is what Slimpod is all about – changing lives. Well done to Jane.!

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
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