Food to eat for better health, great advice from the Medicinal Chef

food to eat for better health
WHEN I asked people if they had any health-related questions for Dale Pinnock, the Medicinal Chef, I was swamped with replies – so thank you to everyone. Dale’s working with us to guide you on food to eat for better health and specifically advise on food which will help you lose weight and/or help to heal any underlying conditions which may be preventing weight loss.

This week I had an hour-long video call with Dale when he answered the first of your questions about food to eat for better health!  Here’s the video, which provides some fascinating insights into how our bodies work and what we should be eating.

Dale also has some great advice on little treats like a piece of cake every now and then!

food to eat for better health

I’ll be interviewing Dale again next week and if you want to ask any questions or add comments about food to eat for better health then please do that below the blog.  Enjoy!

3 thoughts on “Food to eat for better health, great advice from the Medicinal Chef”

  1. Hi Sandra.
    I am the Joan that Dale answered the question to. I enjoyed his response and it provides a good ‘middle ground’ for the confusion over experts recommendation to cut out all starchy foods for type 2 diabetes and the NHS recommending to eat foods such as pasta bread and potatoes. The whole blog provides useful advice and explanations.

  2. I found this video very informative!

    The one question I would like to ask is, as an IBS sufferer, what foods should I avoid/eat? I never had this until I was in my 30s and I am now 61. I hate it so much that it almost controls my life and affects my social life! It’s usually triggered by stress/nerves. I am changing my relationship with food but there are some foods that my stomach will not tolerate! (ie green vegetables, any tomato/spicy based sauce) even a coffee can set me off! Trying to cut back on sugar too although I don’t have too much, as do not have a sweet tooth! I have lost a stone but would love to lose another stone if I can!

    Really would love Dales advice.

  3. I’m doing what Dale recommended about cutting the starchy carbs and eating loads of green vegetables but no mention was made about fruit. Am I right to believe it’s better eaten with protein, and is Greek yogurt enough to help the insulin levels?

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
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