DECHOX: Give up chocolate for a month!

DECHOX is here! Can you give up chocolate for a month like Corrie star Kym Marsh? Chocolate’s one of those guilty pleasures that’s actually easy to give up if you have the right help – our Slimpod Gold programme. So here’s your chance to put it to the test in Britain’s first ever DECHOX. It’s a nationwide sponsored challenge to give up chocolate for March and raise money for lifesaving heart research. Among the celebrities leading the British Heart Foundation’s DECHOX campaign is Coronation Street star Kym Marsh.

Any sort of cocoa is a no-no, which means chocolate sweets, treats, biscuits, ice cream, cake – and even the chocolate sprinkles on your cappuccino – are off limits during March.

Coronary heart disease is the UK’s biggest killer and money for research will improve the lives of babies born with heart defects, find the genes that cause inherited heart conditions and one day find a cure for heart failure and heart disease.

Kym Marsh says: “You never think something like heart disease is going to happen to you or someone you love. Dad having a heart attack was such a scary time for us, particularly that period of uncertainty of whether he would pull through and how it would affect him long-term.

“When my son David got a heart infection, despite always having been fit and healthy, I was terrified he wasn’t going to make it. He is only 19 years old but was in hospital on antibiotics for a week and he’s still not allowed to play too much sport.

“I know the terrible effect that heart disease can have on a family. That’s why I’m encouraging everyone to join me in DECHOX. It’s going to be difficult for people who love chocolate, like me, but we’ll all be in it together and it’s for such a great cause.”

Of course, it won’t be difficult for anyone who’s got a Slimpod!

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
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