Custard apple and dragon fruit milkshake

By Lesley Smith, guest blogger.

HERE’S a fun and healthy drink you can make with your kids on Food Revolution Day – the custard apple and dragon fruit milkshake. Custard apple? Sounds amazing, doesn’t it – and it is. It’s not really an apple at all actually, but an exotic fruit from South America which has a taste which some people say is somewhere between toffee and sherbet, although I think it’s more of a cross between custard and banana!

Asda were the first supermarket in the UK to stock them and most of the others have now followed suit.  I’d not tried custard apples before and thought it would be interesting to make something with them

Custard Apples need to sit until they become soft to the touch.  With most other fruit, the same effect would have me reaching to throw the fruit in the bin.   Don’t put them in the fridge as they don’t do well if they are too chilled.

The fruit seems squidgy and slimy as you remove the seeds and does look rather unappetising like that.  Don’t worry though, as putting it into milkshake makes for a perfect consistency.

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Dragon Fruit is one of my favourite fruits, so it was an easy choice to try adding that to this new shake style drink.

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Out of five of us, only the youngest was not keen, so it was a success.  Littlest was put off by the seeds from the dragon fruit, though I suspect the milkshake would have been slightly more tart without it.

But for us it was fine simply with the fruit and milk blended and no added sweetener.

Here’s how to make your shake



Prep time

  10 minutes


  Diabetic, Gluten Free, Vegetarian

Meal type

  Beverage, Breakfast, Dessert, Starter


  Child Friendly, Serve Cold.


Custard-Apple-Dragon-Fruit-milkshake-healthy-eating-Food-Revolution-Day-FRD2014-Jamie-Oliver-recipe-Slimpods-weight-loss - Thinking-Slimmer


  • 4 Custard Apples
  • 2 Dragon Fruit
  • 3/4 Litre Cold Milk


Step 1: Peel and take out the seeds of the custard apples

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Step 2: Peel and chop the dragon fruit.

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Step 3: Put the fruit into a blender with enough milk to make up to approximately 1.20 – 1.50 litres in your blender and blend until smooth.

Step 4: Keep your milkshake in the fridge. We prefer to put ours in the freezer for half an hour before we drink it as the kids prefer the slightly thicker consistency.

Please let me know how you and your kids get on by leaving a comment below. Have you got a special recipe that’s quick, simple and healthy and which your kids simply adore? Tell me all about it below.


LESLEY SMITH is based in Aberdeen and writes a blog called Scottish Mum. It is packed with healthy recipe ideas for all the family – plus a whole lot more. Visit her at and follow her on Twitter @Scottish_Mum

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