Confidence in Slimpod: No surgery

SLIMPODDER Wendy Brotherwood, from Surrey, is proud of what she has achieved by Thinking Slimmer – and so she should be. She’s sent me a lovely before and after picture and adds modestly: “I’m not sure this picture shows much difference but if you could see inside my head that’s much better lol x” There certainly is a very noticeable difference after 12 weeks, Wendy! That two stone you’ve lost really shows. And what’s most heart-warming is the benefits you’re feeling inside – greater self-esteem, more confidence and best of all, happiness.

 It’s the inner transformation that makes Slimpods so very different from any other way of losing weight. Here’s Wendy’s story in her own words.

“I came across Thinking Slimmer through Dr Rosemary Leonard, the TV and newspaper doctor, a while ago and was feeling deflated due to my own self-destruct button, which meant I’d lost about 4 stone then put weight back on again.

“So I listened to my Slimpods and initially lost weight, but unfortunately I didn’t allow my head to listen. My next reaction was to plan a consultation to have a gastric band op. They offered me free finance so I decided after 30 years of dieting I was a failure!

“Then by chance I decided to log into the Thinking Slimmer Facebook page and Sandra was so welcoming and supportive. I emailed her as she suggested and was signed up to the focus group which had been put together in advance of a new programme Sandra’s launching in the summer.

 “Well all I can say is the last 12 weeks I have been so supported by like-minded people who know dieting has only created problems for me with my mental health as well as physically.

“Twelve weeks have gone and I have listened most days, alternating which Slimpod, Fitpod or Chillpod I listen to. I’ve joined in all of the support offered and read all the booklets that we were sent. In those 12 weeks I’ve lost two stone and gained in confidence.

“I feel the overall plus is that I have addressed what’s going on in my head, tackling the guilt I feel for being overweight! Its on-going but I feel equipped to tackle the feelings; also I have one Slim Buddy Lorraine, who has helped me too.

“I now go out and spread the word about Thinking Slimmer. The other day when my sister and I overheard a group of ladies celebrating a birthday who were talking about the sin content in the pudding they were having. So we told them all about Thinking Slimmer!

“I’m not sure this picture shows much difference but if you could see inside my head that’s much better lol x”

It certainly sounds like you have discovered the real you on the inside Wendy – and now you’re looking great on the outside, too. Confidence is so important, isn’t it. Thanks for sharing your inspiring story.

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[NOTE: Download Sandra’s free ebook 7 Ways Your Brain Can Help You Lose Weight for more information and simple, proven ways you can fight back.]

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
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