Starts today! Join my Drop A Size For Christmas challenge

WOW! I can’t believe we’re on the run-up to Christmas – how did that happen? It’s always a great opportunity to have the last push of the year to release some of that excess weight.

So let me help you to drop a size for Christmas! Because it just couldn’t be easier!

In this new video which launches my 30-day challenge, I’m going to let you in on the secret of how to achieve your goal.

It’s the best early Christmas present you could give yourself – and please feel free to share this blog post with your family, friends and colleagues if you think it would help them.



If you’re a member of the Slimpod Club community on Facebook there’ll be various activities going on there over the next 30 days. If you’re not, then just join the challenge by commenting below.

I’d love to know what steps you’re going to be taking over the next few weeks to drop a size for Christmas – so let me know. Your comments will inspire so many others.

43 thoughts on “Starts today! Join my Drop A Size For Christmas challenge”

  1. I am looking forward to being part of a group that will give me motivation to stick with it and hold me accountable, I am ready for the journey ….

  2. I’m interested in your video message and I’m wanting to lose at least 1 dress size for Xmas and have a wedding to go to in June next year and I’m hoping this will help me on my journey Thank You

  3. very good advice. encouraging to hear small consistent steps help.I’m going to cut down sugary foods and crispa , and keep floury foods down too.I will try to walk more too. Thanks so much Sandra.

  4. Sure thsi would be good but some of us are not on facebook or any other community share and have no intentions of joining so am I doomed?

    1. I don’t think so. These days I don’t really go to the facebook page but I do always read Sandra’s blogs because they are so good. Listening to Trevor seems to ensure the pounds slowly drop away. So no, not doomed – cos you are stronger than that.

    2. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Hi Margaret, You might have missed the part of my blog copy, where I said you don’t need to be part of the FB group. FB is about community challenges and support but you don’t need that to participate as long as you follow what I’ve suggested and hold yourself accountable. Hope that helps!

  5. Just what I need to get back on track and start listening to Trevor everyday.
    Earlier this year, my husband was taken ill which had quite an emotional affect on me. Which took me by surprise as I am usually the one saying “there there. Everything is going to be ok”. Well it turned out fine but
    I lost focus for a while. I have got rid of my diet head, and am just ready for
    this challenge.

  6. Great motivational video Sandra. Love the idea of small steps leading to bigger !! I am fully committed to making more healthy choices.

  7. Really positive message I’m up for the challenge going to drink more water, move more and try to listen to the full message
    Good luck everyone ??

  8. Thank you Sandra one of my goals is to have a daily 15minute walk and to be more aware of the quantity I am eating .

  9. Sugar and flour already gone from my life (apart from mayonnaise)! But I must admit I need to be more disciplined about my exercise regime, so that would be one small change (to get up that little bit earlier and exercise before I get distracted). Number 2 could be ditch the mayonnaise.

  10. I’m heavier now weighing over 13st than I ever have been, my weight being stable at about 10st…. I intend to resume my listening to Sandra and following the Christmas plan….. I’m embarrassed and ashamed

  11. I need to stop eating sweets and chocolates and cut down on the vino. I need to drop 2 dress sizes. I have 2 weddings to go to one is April and the other in August x

  12. Thank you so much – just what I needed today. I’m definitely ready for for this. More fruit/veg, exercise everyday (no excuses!), food diary and slimpods. I find Sandra’s emails and videos really helpful.

  13. Thank you Sandra. I like the idea of trying to do what I think I can’t. So I am going to really “listen”for the full signal which will mean eating slower as it takes a little while to register. I am also going to cut right back on sugar as I think years of trying the low fat system has not in the long run helped me except that I seem to be addicted to sugar. I have noticed thought that this is not as bad as it was since listening to slimpod. I am definitely gaining more control. Thanks I look forward to the next 30 days.

  14. I am happy to join the challenge I’m in need of a focus. I’ve always struggled with sugar as it’s my comfort blanket so number one change is sugar, which I have started but have really struggled with this year since a lot emotional turmoil. Time to take control & gain my confidence back which the slimpods help me with. Thanks for the support Sandra.

  15. A great motivational speech that will no doubt get a lot of people making those small changes each and every day that will show results with consistency, me for one, thanks Sandra just what I needed to hear.

  16. New to slimpod, going to give this a go. Ive been exercising regularly but the weight is going on as my diet is poor. Dont have the time to cook proper meals most night so small changes needed

  17. I am up for this challenge and have already started going for walks at night and doing exercises at home. Thank you Sandra for the motivation

  18. Have not listened to any of my pods for a couple of years. Need to give myself a kick up the backside. Going to join in with this

  19. I’m starting with the small step of completely giving up chocolate. I’m sure I can do it for 30 days. Hopefully I’ll do it for good. Small steps first. Thank you for your inspiring video.

  20. I have stopped listening to my slimpod keep forgetting but from tonight till xmas eve I am starting again also going to do a 30 minute walk ever evening let you know how I get on Thanks Sandra x

  21. Going to try to cut out wine on week days. Just have one glass weekend nights. I seem to concentrate better on healthy eating if I don’t have alcohol!
    Thank you Sandra.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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