Boot Camp: Your Week 3 update

WOW!  You’ve completed three weeks of the Slimpod Club Boot Camp! So it’s time for a little reflection about the past 21 days. How’s it been for you? I’m not sure about you, but I’m guilty of galloping through life. Every day is so busy with the demands of a very busy life.  

But at the end of each week I make sure I look back and note down what I’ve achieved.  It’s amazing what we all fit into life and it’s also amazing what goes under the radar until you really put the spotlight on it. I also look back on what’s not gone so well and decide how to change it.

You’ll remember, key message at the start of this Boot Camp three weeks ago, was ‘There’s no failure, only feedback’. And that’s EXACTLY the way I want you to feel right now.

Losing weight is a skill that’s built up over time, which is the message I would like you to take forward as you think about what you want to achieve over the next three weeks.

My Parkrun – next to a VERY tall man!

Learn from the past – what’s gone right and what could be done differently – and take those learnings forward. Reset your goals based on your new insights.

SO this week’s task is to share with your group three key achievements and three learnings from the past three weeks. Then based on these insights, post your three goals for the next three weeks!

My major achievement happened last Saturday! I did my first Parkrun! It was an amazing experience – especially when I got to the finish! I
did it in 34 mins. Woo hoo!!

I can’t wait to see your goals – and good luck for the second half of Boot Camp!

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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