Week 2: Developing good habits daily

WHAT a fabulous start we had to our six week boot camp.  Over 100 of you joined up and Slimpod Club live chat was buzzing on Wednesday evening. I’m loving the chat in the teams and I can see that most of you have posted up your goals. Let’s keep the momentum going as we all hit week two!    

I thought it would be useful for me to share my good eating habits goals for this week and you might like to focus on similar things.  Or at the very least you’ll see how I break things down and you can then do the same with your own goals.

As week two begins I will be:

1: Focusing on when I’m full

I’ll be asking myself “how much do I really need to eat?” because after six years of watching and listening to people on Slimpods, it’s clear to me that we all eat too much!

So many people reduce their portion sizes dramatically within a couple of weeks of listening so it constantly amazes me how much overeating goes on!

 I know breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day but quite often I’m not hungry and can easily get to lunchtime without eating.  So I do.  If I’m not hungry then I don’t eat.  It’s almost like a fast but I’m not starving myself because my body’s not telling me I need to eat. 

This point is SO important.  I’m not consciously restricting calories and that’s the difference.   I either walk, run or play tennis every morning at 7.30 so I’m hungry afterwards and I eat protein to repair my muscles.

So this week my FIRST GOAL is being more aware of when I’m full.

Slimpod expert Sandra explains how to create good eating habits

My free “outdoor gym”

2: Focusing on my activity

I love exercise.  I do something first thing every day because I enjoy it and it sets up my day really well. However, I do a lot of cardio, walking the dog, running, tennis and swimming.

I need to fit in some muscle building and toning exercises every second day too.

So I’m starting an activity thread on the main page this week and I would love to invite any of you who want to do exercise regularly every day to log it up there with me.  It’s like a buddy scheme and it really helps with motivation.  I can lead the group.

My SECOND GOAL is resistance training three times a week while still keeping up my cardio.

3: Focusing on good eating habits

When you’re busy it’s so easy to be disorganised and grab food that’s convenient.  All it takes is a little bit of organising and it’s easy to shop wisely. 

 Our Slimpods take care of the hard part and nudge us towards the healthy choices and good eating habits so you already know it’s taken the burden and effort away.  All that needs to be done is a bit of planning. 

Deep down we all know what’s healthy – we just fall into bad habits and emotional eating can get in the way too.  However it’s not difficult to spend 15 mins creating a healthy menu plan for the week and shopping accordingly.

So my THIRD GOAL is planning my weekly menu and eating protein three times a day.  (I think we should share our recipes soon to give each other inspiration!)

Doing all these small daily actions, built up every day for the next five weeks, will enable me to get to where I want to be.

Success is a few good eating habits repeated every day.   Follow me, doing what I do and you’ll get there.

And of course your trusty Slimpod will mean it’s all easy and enjoyable!



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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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