Irene proves that if you believe you can – then YOU CAN!

WITH the nights drawing in and the weather getting a bit colder, autumn can be a difficult time for emotional eaters.  Slimpod obviously helps hugely with helping to unravel the patterns of behaviour that get triggered at this time of year but some people with deeply-ingrained habits can turn to food for comfort.

So I thought I’d lift you up with an amazing, inspiring story. Irene Hand will brighten up your day and help you feel great.   

It’s not just about her weight loss or the 37 inches she’s lost off her body – even though she’s done so well with that!

This is a story of triumph over adversity and it really will show you that if you believe you can – YOU CAN!

  • When Irene’s Mum died suddenly the grief turned her world upside down and she put on four stone
  • She suffers from osteoporosis and osteoarthritis and could hardly climb her stairs or walk for more than a few minutes
  • After barely a day on Slimpod she stopped snacking on crisps and didn’t want a bag for three weeks – she was in control
  • Today she has lost 53lbs, has seen 37 inches disappear from her body measurements and can easily manage a two-hour walk

Slimpod has put the smile back on her much thinner face!

Irene, who lives in Coventry, says: ““For me Slimpod has gently and subtly enabled me to really understand that my body, health and wellbeing deserve better than mindless over-indulgence.

“It has helped me to feel good and more importantly, confident about making better decisions ‘most’ of the time.

“It has encouraged me to do what is right for me, to trust myself to know what I need to do and do it!

“Slimpod eliminates the misery that is normally attached to trying to achieve weight loss. Today I’ve lost 3 stone 11lbs with my Slimpod – that 53lbs in total – and I’ve never felt happier or healthier.”

Irene and I made a Zoom video four months ago (July 2021), which you can watch below. Since the filming she has lost even more weight and is almost unrecognisable, as you’ll see from the latest photos under the video.

While you’re watching Irene’s video on The Slimpod Channel on YouTube, please help me by hitting the Like and Share buttons. If you subscribe to the channel you’ll get priority notifications every time a new video goes up.

Click on the image to start the video:

These are Irene's inspiring selfies

Wearing leggings for the first time ever

How Irene's face has changed

Great tips on my Live tonight

Join me on my Facebook live tonight (Tuesday October 26) when I’ll be sharing some great tips on how to avoid autumn self-sabotage and feel great.

I’ll be on our main Facebook page  from 7.30pm UK time for about 20 minutes so make sure you tune in on time!

PS: Please, please leave a comment below to let me know how much Irene’s story resonates with you and how you’ve overcome adversity with your Slimpod. Your comment will inspire many others.

All comments are moderated by the Slimpod team so yours may not appear for a short while after you post it.

7 thoughts on “Irene proves that if you believe you can – then YOU CAN!”

  1. Amazing story, well done Irene ???????????? you have shown such fortitude and determination… I am inspired and will remember your story, thank you for sharing x

    1. It’s so lovely to hear stories like this. It gives you motivation to carry on. Well done Irene ???????? and congratulations.

  2. Very inspiring.
    Slimpod really does work! As Irene said – all you do is listen to a pod and write 3 wins daily.
    My relationship with food is so much better now. Like Irene I am not craving sweet treats etc but don’t feel deprived at all. No counting or measuring. It is freedom.

  3. What an inspiring conversation between Sandra and Irene. I can really feel the impact of those changes to Irene’s mindset and behaviours. Well done on your success and I hope that you continue to enjoy your walking for many more years!

  4. This story illustrates how much is dependent on our mindset. It’s as if someone was looking into my head & sent me this video . I recently had (am having) a painful arthritic flare up in my knee for the first time. I thought ‘well that’s it!’ I’m bunched – the beginning of the end etc. If Irene can push through her pain, there is hope for me. Thanks for sharing your story.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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