Join team on wine-tasting fun run


LAST year our Slimpod Athlete Darin McCloud took part in a half marathon with a difference.  It was held on a wine estate in Surrey and was literally a wine-tasting fun run!  I was very envious of Darin but didn’t manage to join him because they were sold out!

However, this year Darin, his partner Hazel and myself have signed up and I thought I would tell you about it in case you fancied joining us!

The Bacchus Half Marathon starts and finishes at Denbies Wine Estate in  London Road, Dorking RH5 6AA with its 265 acres of vineyard. With six wine tasting stations, a post-race  hog roast, fancy dress, stunning views and an international field, the focus of this event is fun, fun, fun.

Many of the runners dress up in Roman togas in honour of the ancient god of wine, Bacchus. I love the picture of the guy who dressed up as a bunch grapes! Here’s another picture which sums up this terrific day:

The Bacchus Half Marathon was voted second best 13-mile event in the UK by Runners World readers in 2013 and 2014 and voted third best event overall in 2014.

Since 2014, 100 per cent of runners who posted on Runner’s World have said they would do it again. Here’s where you can discover more details:

 Surrey Bacchus Marathon & Half 2017

Do book on quickly if you want to join us on Sunday September 10 – it gets full quickly.  Then ping me an email and let me know you’re coming! By the way, friends and family are welcome to spend the day at Denbies with indoor wine tasting, art gallery, farm shop, wine and gift shop and public footpath trails.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
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