Sandra’s December Book Club

I’m regularly asked what books I’d recommend that you read while on your Slimpod journey to help yourself along. So, I’ve started this book club to regularly share with you a few books to read. 

The High 5 Habit, Mel Robbins

In this book, Mel teaches you how to start high fiving the most important person in your life, the one who is staring back at you in the mirror: YOURSELF. If you struggle with self-doubt (and who doesn’t?) … If you’re tired of that nagging critic in your head (could somebody evict them already?) … If you’re wildly successful but all you focus on is what’s going wrong (you’re not alone) …

If you’re sick of watching everybody else get ahead while you sit on the couch with your dog (don’t bring your dog into this) … Mel dedicates this book to you.

Using her signature science-backed wisdom, deeply personal stories and the real-life results that The High 5 Habit is creating in people’s lives around the world (and you’ll meet a lot of them throughout this book), Mel will teach you how to make believing in yourself a habit so that you operate with the confidence that your goals and dreams demand. The High 5 Habit is a simple yet profound tool that changes your attitude, your mindset and your behaviour. So be prepared to laugh and learn as you take steps to immediately boost your confidence, happiness and results.

You can buy High 5 Habits here.

The Obstacle Is The Way, Ryan Holiday

The book draws its inspiration from stoicism, the ancient Greek philosophy of enduring pain or adversity with perseverance and resilience. Stoics focus on the things they can control, let go of everything else, and turn every new obstacle into an opportunity to get better, stronger, tougher. As Marcus Aurelius put it nearly 2000 years ago: ‘The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.’

Ryan Holiday shows us how some of the most successful people in history-from John D. Rockefeller to Amelia Earhart to Ulysses S. Grant to Steve Jobs-have applied stoicism to overcome difficult or even impossible situations. Their embrace of these principles ultimately mattered more than their natural intelligence, talents, or luck.

If you’re feeling frustrated, demoralized, or stuck in a rut, this book can help you turn your problems into your biggest advantages. And along the way it will inspire you with dozens of true stories of the greats from every age and era.

You can buy The Obstacle Is The Way here.

Mindset, Dr Carol Dweck

World-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, in decades of research on achievement and success, has discovered a truly groundbreaking idea-the power of our mindset.

Dweck explains why it’s not just our abilities and talent that bring us success-but whether we approach them with a fixed or growth mindset. 

Dweck makes clear why praising intelligence and ability doesn’t foster self-esteem and lead to accomplishment, but may actually jeopardize success. With the right mindset, we can motivate our kids and help them to raise their grades, as well as reach our own goals-personal and professional. Dweck reveals what all great parents, teachers, CEOs, and athletes already know: how a simple idea about the brain can create a love of learning and a resilience that is the basis of great accomplishment in every area.

You can buy Mindset here

If there are any books that you’d like to share with other podders, please share those in the comments below!

A little disclosure: there are affiliate links on this page! That just means if you click on a link, find something you like and buy it, we’ll make some cash. Don’t worry, you won’t pay any extra – sometimes you might even get a tasty discount. It’s a win for us and a win for you too!’

3 thoughts on “Sandra’s December Book Club”

  1. I’ve read both the Mindset book, and The Obstacle is the Way, when recommended by Sandra during previous coaching videos. The positivity of the authors’ experiences and approach is really inspiring. Well worth reading.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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