Denise’s amazing online brainwave boosts her Slimpod success

GOAL-SETTING is such an important part of the Slimpod programme because it’s proven to contribute considerably  towards your success.  I frequently talk about it on my live chats and I know a lot of people don’t attempt to set goals because they trigger all sorts of fears and anxieties about previous attempts to lose weight.

So when I was on a Zoom call with Slimpodder Denise Flower and chatting about how she had got into a size 10 dress, I was blown away by the amazingly effective online tool she used to help her. What a brainwave!

It’s called Trello and Denise tells you about it in the video we made together. Click on her picture to watch the video on the Slimpod Channel on YouTube…

This is Denise’s Trello board

Denise says: “I use the Trello board as a goal map/nerve centre of Slimpod which I love looking at and adding to. I can access links to my workouts and that sort of thing on this board.

The board is split into various sections in which she posts pictures of herself and her clothes, notes  her innermost feelings and records her inspiring thoughts and ambitions. The sections include:











To give you a flavour of the posts, the WHY? column says: To be confident to do anything. To have healthy habits as I get older. To be normal around food.

The THOUGHTS column includes: Challenge fears and identify limiting beliefs. Turn the obstacles into something you learn from.

Denise joined Slimpod in September 2020, so her six-month anniversary is coming up.

She says: “I haven’t ever really been super heavy, but over the last few years I got to a point where I just assumed I was heavier because of my age.

“I’ve never really had a regular sweets/cake/bread/chocolate habit, but I love cooking and I love drinking.

“I also went crazy over lockdown one – as much booze and as many delicious meals as I could fit in because I thought it would only be for a few weeks at most (wrong!).

“I hated the look of the fat on my face and hanging over my bra etc but thought I just had to live with it, but one day I was reading Popbitch and saw an ad for Slimpod. Clicked on the link and, to my surprise, signed up right away.

“I set what I thought was a bit of a cheeky goal of 9st 6lbs by Christmas and made mini goals on the way to fitting into a few outfits. I extended the deadline to the end of March as I started to be kinder to myself.

“But when I weighed myself at the end of January after cutting out booze, sugar/sweeteners/dairy/grains/legumes for the January Whole30 challenge, I was 9st 6lbs!

“I would not have been able to cut all those things out without the support of Slimpod. I actually found it easy and enjoyable. And I have only had a couple of drinks three times this whole year  – the alcohol pod is amazing.”

(There’s a special discount for this pod at the end of the blog).

Denise says: “The most thrilling thing is that I fit into size 10 tops. And also lots of lovely dresses that I was keeping because they are beautiful – didn’t think I’d wear them again. I still haven’t got my head round that because I didn’t believe it was possible.

“Even though I reached my first goal weight, I wanted to keep going so I can wear sleeveless things and maybe even confidently wear a bikini again! Strangely, even though I usually lose off my belly first, this time it has been coming off my difficult top half which makes me so happy.

“I have a deadline but it shifts if it starts feeling too soon! Also, when I get there it won’t be over. This is how I live now.

“I have never missed listening to pods at night, written down at least three wins a day, watched all the videos, at least attempted all the exercises, watched every live, and engage on Facebook. A few of my affirmations are: I am light and agile (my favourite), I have very beautiful arms and I crave exercise.

“I decided to trust Slimpod – when I thought ‘this isn’t working’ I said to myself ‘what’s the alternative?’

“I am going to be a butterfly coming out of lockdown – my skin looks lovely, I have been buying size 10 tops and dresses from eBay which I need to show off, I have never been this fit since childhood. I have a new lease on life.”

Please let Denise know how you’re going to reach your goals by leaving a comment below. I love reading them all and I know they inspire others.

Save £25 on our alcohol pod

Gold and Extra members can use the code GOLDTHANKS to get the alcohol pod for £14.99, a saving of £25.

22 thoughts on “Denise’s amazing online brainwave boosts her Slimpod success”

  1. Great inspiration I never really got the whole goal mapping idea but now I will definitely be giving it a go! Positive affirmation is the new me and I love it

    1. Brilliant article and video. Thanks so much for sharing your story. I use Slimpod, but this has inspired me to embrace it more.

      1. I’m new to Slimpod
        Where can we find the template they talked about in the video? I’ve never heard about Trello til now and don’t know how to work it or create boards. I downloaded the app but a template would be so helpful since I have no clue how to work it

        1. Chris

          The Real Person!

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          The Real Person!

          Author Chris acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
          Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

          Hello Stephanie,

          I’ll get someone from Customer Services to email you and help.

        2. Hi Stephanie
          I have recently become a podder and I love your story. How would I even start a Trello I have never heard of, but you found, used, and would be a great reminder of what you achieved and I would love to do the same but I do have a lot more to lose and wouldn’t know where to start. Would you be able to let me know how to get started or even find out about it. Many Thanks

        3. Hi there
          I’ve just watched the chat with Denise and was also wondering about the template mentioned.
          Historically my mind mapping or spider grams always end up like lists so I’m definitely up for some help and new ways of doing this sort of thing.

      2. Thank you for sharing your story you have done so brilliantly, I have only just started, but hope to get to where you are, although I have got a lot more to lose!

  2. Going to set mini goals along the way as this seems to feel better than the one enormous goal I’d previously set.

  3. This is fantastic, I love this idea. Denise, you look and sound fabulous. I never actually got around to looking at the original goal mapping thing and will do now as a point of comparison. I was particularly inspired by your decision to just follow the instructions and do as you were told. I am currently playing catch-up on the videos and emails as I had got busy for the last few weeks and fell behind with logging my wins too. This is the kick up the proverbial that I’ve been needing!

  4. Love Denise’s Trello board it’s so inspiring! and have downloaded the Trello app, but as a technophobe I don’t know how to create a fab board, so wonder if anyone can put a easy to follow step by step lesson because I bet other podders have the same problem?

    1. Hello Mags, There are only four pods in total. For the first month you should only listen to the one called Slimpod For Weight Loss. If you are in and go into the menu, you’ll see a link to the Slimpod Programme. That’s where you’ll find the 12 weeks of videos and guidance. The videos and regular emails from Sandra will tell you what to do and when. Any problems at all, please don’t hesitate to email who will be pleased to help and advise you.

  5. It sounds great, I too, have a sweet tooth and am 5 stone overweight. However, not sure I’m going to be able to do the exercise part as I had a stroke last year which has left me unable to walk properly and in constant pain.

  6. This is amazingly inspirational, I need to make time to visualise me in the future how I will feel and how I’m getting to
    Get there. Big thanks for sharing. You look so gorgeous and glamorous hoping I look half as good as you.

  7. Thank you for sharing your success story. I have made some notes & will try to follow your guidelines as I completely relate to every stage you are / were at.

  8. Thank you for sharing. I recently joined the group and I have stopped thinking about food as much, also don’t feel the need to snack. I occasionally have a piece of fruit. Can you advise on Trelo please. You’re an inspiration and have done so well.

  9. Thank you for sharing your story. Truly inspirational and I have very similar goals! I am excited for my continued journey and looking/feeling amazing and slim on my wedding day in 4 months’ time!

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Founder of Thinking Slimmer
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