Every day is precious,
and I’m here to live it

Every day is precious,
and I’m here to live i

The Weight's Over: Take Back Control Tanya

Tanya Wakeford’s story

At last, I have the confidence to do things I never would have done before. I even did my daily exercise session on the beach the other day. I’ve stopped saving clothes for ‘special occasions’. Every day is a special occasion now because I’m here to live it.

I recently wore a dress I had saved for two years and a woman stopped me to say she loved it! I also braved a bikini at the beach for the first time in 28 years. It was nerve-wracking, but I did it.

The last time I wore a bikini, I had a pregnancy bump and was proud of it. This time, I was proud of the progress I’ve made and the confidence I’ve gained. Before, I hid from cameras and hated having photos taken. Now, I’m proud of my body. I even did a photo shoot last week – a whole day devoted to me! It was so much fun, and I loved it. Who is this person?

As I told you briefly in Sandra’s book The Weight’s Over: Take Back Control, like many others, I was overwhelmed by life’s demands: eating too much, drinking too much and neglecting myself while caring for everyone else. As a mum of four with elderly parents, I was the main carer and worked full-time.

My own well-being was always last on the list and, as a result, my health and weight spiralled out of control. Over the years, I tried everything. I meticulously weighed and measured every bite, obsessed over the scales, and still found myself stuck in the same cycle. It always felt like I was failing, and I would eventually give up, thinking I was destined to be overweight forever.

Life took an even harder turn when my marriage failed. My husband and I had been together since I was 13, but his struggle with alcoholism became a battle I couldn’t fight for him. We loved each other deeply, but love wasn’t enough. After nearly 38 years together, we separated.

Then, the losses came in waves. My eldest brother died of cancer. The following year, my estranged husband suffered a heart attack. And then, just months later, my mum passed away after a stroke. I was barely holding on, trying to keep going for the sake of everyone else. My grief was overwhelming, and my health was slipping further away.

At my lowest point, I realised that, at 60, I was at the age when health problems could become life-threatening. I looked at what had happened to my husband and my brother—both gone at 65—and thought, if I don’t make a change, I might be next. That was when I came across Slimpod. Something about it spoke to me in a way nothing else had before.

Thanks to Slimpod, I now have the confidence to do my daily exercise session on the beach. I might not be the slimmest person there, but I’m definitely the happiest!

When I took early retirement from teaching, I thought, That’s it—no more professional development, no more training, no more studying. Yet here I am, starting my first module in digital marketing. I blame Slimpod for giving me the belief that I can still grow, learn, and challenge myself!

I also stopped saving clothes for “special occasions.” That dress I bought for my daughter’s hen party two years ago? I wore it for a simple walk on the beach, and a woman stopped me to say how lovely it was. I realised then that every day is a special occasion because we are here to live it.

That’s probably why I braved a bikini at the beach the first time in 28 years. The last time I wore one, I had a pregnancy bump, and I was proud of it. As you can imagine, I felt nervous. I kept my cover-up on until I laid down, but eventually, I stood up and walked along the promenade. My heart pounded—I felt so self-conscious. But then I realised… no one cared. No one was staring or judging. I was the only one who had been holding myself back all these years.

And now? I’ve lost weight—not because I was dieting, but because I changed my mindset. My shape has changed, my dress size has dropped, and I move more than I ever have before. I love healthy, wholesome food, but I don’t feel guilty if I fancy something indulgent.

Before Slimpod, there were barely any full-length photos of me. I hid behind the camera, positioned myself behind others, or cropped everything from the chin up. Looking at pictures of myself felt like torture.

Now? I don’t just allow photos—I take them! I even did a professional photo shoot last week—a whole day devoted to me. Who is this confident, happy person? It still amazes me how much I’ve changed.

Before Slimpod, I was constantly putting myself last, always looking after everyone else. I ate whatever was convenient, paid no attention to my health, and felt like I was on a never-ending cycle of weight gain and guilt. I had tried every diet under the sun—Rosemary Conley, Weight Watchers, Slimming World.

I weighed everything, tracked every bite, and stood on the scales daily. If the number was up, I punished myself. If it was down, I rewarded myself with food.

Now, I don’t even weigh myself anymore. The scales used to dictate my mood, but not anymore. What matters is how I feel, not a number on a machine. When I started Slimpod, my goal was to be a size 10 in 12 weeks—just like every other diet I’d tried. But as I progressed, I realised that wasn’t the real goal.

The real goal was to be happy in my own skin. I used to dream of being my pre-baby weight. Now, I dream of being the best version of myself.

Since joining Slimpod, I’ve walked more than ever before. I’ve conquered hills I used to struggle with. I’ve walked 10 miles in a day, even 13 miles to Swanage. My asthma doesn’t hold me back anymore. The lift in my block of flats? I rarely use it—I take the stairs. And I can even run up them without stopping!

Every single day, I feel stronger, happier, and more confident. Sandra’s book The Weight’s Over: Take Back Control sums up my journey perfectly. It wasn’t just about losing weight—it was about finding myself again.

I am no longer held back by fear, guilt, or self-doubt. I have gained more than I ever imagined—not just a smaller dress size, but a life I truly love.

For anyone out there struggling, I want you to know this: You are never too old, too busy, or too far gone to take control of your life. If I can do it, so can you.

Thank you, Slimpod, for changing my life.

The Weight's Over: Take Back Control

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