I've grown in ways that
I never dreamed possible
I've grown in ways that
I never dreamed possible

Lynn Haddrell’s story
My journey is about so much more than becoming physically smaller. It’s about growing in ways I never dreamed possible. Four years ago, I was embarrassed by my size and how unfit I was. I was clinically depressed and terrified of getting old.
Today, I’ve walked on fire, taken up tennis and yoga, completed a 5-k (3.1-mile) obstacle course and climbed Glastonbury Tor without needing an ambulance. I’ve learned to be my own cheerleader and, finally, I make no apologies for being me.

Relaxed Lynn today – and how she was
As I reveal in The Weight’s Over: Take Back Control, for over 40 years, I lived with guilt and shame around food. I can still vividly remember being a young child and asking for a biscuit. My mum got cross and said no because I couldn’t possibly be hungry, even though I was. She constantly made comments that I was a ‘big girl’ for my age or that I was getting fat.
From that moment, food became a source of guilt for me. I started avoiding second helpings or so-called ‘bad foods’, even when I was still hungry, because I was afraid of being judged. But that didn’t stop the feelings of hunger and desire for comfort. That’s when the secret eating began.
I would spend all my pocket money on sweets and chocolate and gobble them up in secret. They comforted me, and no one could judge me if they didn’t know. But, of course, the guilty feelings just got worse.
As I grew up, the toxic relationship I had with food continued. I lost count of how many diets I tried and failed. Some worked temporarily – I’d reach my goal weight through sheer deprivation – but then I’d revert to secret eating and bingeing. The weight would pile back on, and the cycle of shame would begin again.

Today Lynn looks forward to having fun
All of that ended for me when I discovered how Slimpod could help me transform my mindset. Today, after decades of dieting, I’m finally free and haven’t dieted for four years. My brain has stopped labelling food as good or bad, which wasn’t helpful. Food is just food, and I now get to choose what to eat and when.
I no longer eat in secret, and I’ve detached all those feelings of guilt and shame from food. Now, I mostly choose to eat healthily, but it’s because I want to, not because I feel like I have to.
I’ve been able to unpick all the difficult and painful beliefs I had held on to for years. I’ve learned to work through my emotions instead of suppressing them with comfort food. I’m now a normal eater with a healthy relationship with food and with myself. I’m free from the mental prison I’d built for myself.

Exercise is an important part of Lynn’s life now
To put my transformation into perspective I find it helps to contrast the me that was then with the me that is now.
THEN ~ shy, sad, depressed & anxious. Even the thought of going out usually felt overwhelming & often resulted in panic attacks or making excuses not to go. I missed out on so many wonderful opportunities & experiences.
NOW ~ confident, happy, positive & calm. I look forward to going out, meeting new people & having fun! I do something that scares me every month & love my life!
Slimpod is about SO much more than becoming physically smaller, I’ve grown in more ways than I ever dared dream! X
THEN ~ I told myself I hated exercise & that I couldn’t do it! As a child it was due to trauma around being chubby, having very little balance & dreading PE in the gym & as I grew ever bigger, being ‘picked’ to represent my house in school cross country at 15 because no one else wanted to do it, even though I could barely walk without getting out of breath & had constant chub rub
As an adult I felt embarrassed at my size, at how unfit I was & again & told myself I couldn’t exercise because of osteoarthritis, autoimmune conditions & osteopenia. I was clinically depressed & scared of getting old
NOW ~ since finding Slimpod four years ago I’ve learnt to move on from those limiting beliefs. I began by moving my body gently & slowly with simple, short walks. One of my first goals was to walk up the hill where we live without stopping more than once, then not stopping at all & then to walk all the way up & still be able to hold a conversation

“I make no apologies for being me”
In four years I’ve walked on fire, take tennis lessons & play on average 3 times a week, taken up boogie bounce (think HITT on a mini trampoline with music & disco lights), completed a 5k tuff mudder, climbed Glastonbury Torr without needing an ambulance, learnt to hula hoop, taken up yoga, completed various walking challenges for charity & worn out the soles on several pairs of walking shoes. My step count has increased from around 3,000 steps a day to 12,000!🚶♀️➡️
My body still hurts every day, it sometimes needs more rest, & there are things that it will never be able to do…BUT, I can do so much more than I ever dreamed possible & it turns out I don’t hate exercise at all. I LOVE it! It’s FUN!
And where once I hated my body & what it couldn’t do, now I love & appreciate it for what it CAN do & I’ll keep on keeping on for as long as I possibly can. I’m a happy bunny! x
As I sit, I’ve been reflecting on some of the less obvious positive changes that have happened in my four years of podding & here are just a few…
I’m sat in a cafe, on my own! Never went ANYWHERE on my own prior to Slimpod due to anxiety & lack of confidence & yet here I am, relaxed & happy & not in the least bit bothered!
I’ve chatted to the person on the next table! Apart from not going anywhere on my own, I certainly wouldn’t have engaged in conversation with a stranger.
I’m planning ahead & being organised! Having recently been confirmed as neurodivergent so much of my life now makes sense! Feelings of panic & overwhelm, not liking change, procrastination, starting things & never finishing them, living in my own little world…
BUT, with the help of Slimpod, I’ve learnt how to focus on ONE habit at a time & keep at it until it sticks! Listening to my pods, writing wins, moving with intent & drinking 2 litres of water every day are now so engrained they’re just part of who I am now. And I made them stick by focusing on ONE at a time, never giving up & being kind to myself on days I forgot to do that one thing.
And now I find I CAN be organised! Not every day & not with everything, but I choose what to focus on & I work at it!
Slimpod gave me the courage to realise I don’t need negative people in my life &, whilst I will always do my best to help others, it’s OK not to be a people pleaser & I don’t need to seek validation from anyone. I have become my own cheerleader & make no apologies for being me. That’s the message I am so pleased to share through The Weight’s Over: Take Back Control.