95% of people lost weight
in Slimpod clinical trials

Slimpod delivers remarkable results in independent trials

A researcher at City University London carried out independent clinical trials, testing Slimpod with a group of users against a control group who listened to a non-weight loss recording. All participants had a BMI above 25 at the start of the six-month trials. Slimpod was found to significantly reduce weight and improve eating self-efficacy among overweight adults. The researcher told us: “You should be proud of your results.” They were presented at the research conference of the British Journal of General Practice in March 2020 and at international public healthcare conferences in Dubai and Milan in 2023 and Prague in 2024.

How the trials were done

In independent clinical trials, the dynamic, interactive approach of Slimpod yielded positive results and illustrated the benefits of utilising an audio weight loss method. Listening to the recording on a daily basis was shown to improve quality of life, eating and exercise self-efficacy and weight loss.

The participants listened only to the Slimpod weight loss pod for 24 weeks and did not have any access to video coaching, online support, further pods or the motivational emails which are included in the full programme now available to the public.

Other randomly-chosen participants listened to a relaxation pod for 24 weeks so the research team could make a comparison between Slimpod users and non-Slimpod users.

The clinical trials report concludes: “Slimpod was effective at reducing weight and increasing eating self-efficacy…Slimpod could, therefore, be included as part of the suite of interventions offered by healthcare professionals to those seeking to lose weight.”


How much better Slimpod
users said they were eating

Participants in the Slimpod clinical trials were asked for feedback on changes they had noticed over six months. Comments given to the researcher included:


Zero weight loss is the start point

The results of the trial were presented at the research conference of the British Journal of General Practice in London in 2020 and at the International Conferences on Public Health, Health Education, and Healthcare Services in Dubai, Milan and Prague. Clinical trials registration number ISRCTN75203062. Research and ethic committee of the department of psychology of City University London approval number: PSYETH (UPTD) 12/13 71. View the study in full at http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN75203062.

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