Faye Jones

“I discovered Slimpods and within three weeks I noticed I was gradually not bothered about drinking Coke as much.  Then I started hating the taste!  How could that be possible after such a long time of being totally reliant on it?”
“I had cravings for Coke even when I was drinking it! I had to stop it”

FAYE JONES effortlessly ended her life-long addiction to sugar in just three weeks – and as a bonus with the help of a Slimpod she lost over a stone*. Faye’s addiction to sugar started when she was a baby.  “At 18 months old I used to have six tall bottles of ‘no added sugar’  Ribena lined up against my cot,” she recalls.

“Turns out it was full of sugar before they added any and eight of my teeth went rotten. I had to go to hospital to have them taken out under general anaesthetic. My teeth didn’t come back until I was eight!!!”

Baby Faye with Coke can

During her childhood and early teens, Faye, 28, from Wolverhampton, was well and truly addicted to sugar and went from Ribena to Coca Cola, which she would drink all day and continue into the evening.

After she had a baby she decided to try to lose weight and tried WeightWatchers. However, four cans of Coke a week were allowed on the plan so she didn’t lose weight or give up her addiction.

Faye used Coca Cola as an appetite suppressant and therefore didn’t eat much.  Her health was suffering dramatically.

Faye takes up the story. “I have a busy life and was always tired.  Some people use coffee but for me it was the caffeine in Coke that used to keep me going.  I would be irritable and stressed.

Holiday snap – with giant Coke

“I had cravings for Coke even when I was drinking it! Sometimes I would wake in the middle of the night and have to get out of bed just for a swig of it!! I used to get very bad headaches and reflux nearly every day.

“I knew I had to stop.  Then I discovered Slimpods and within three weeks I noticed I was gradually not bothered about drinking Coke as much.  Then I started hating the taste!

“How could that be possible after such a long time of being totally reliant on it?

“I switched to Coke Zero and then only went to two a day.  Six months later I can take it or leave it and sometimes I have one Coke Zero.

“My mood has improved – I don’t get so irritable and I don’t get caffeine headaches any more, which is amazing.

Holiday snap after Slimpod beat her sugar addiction

“I also find my sleep is 10 times better from the lack of caffeine and my moods are generally better 🙂

“The BEST thing is I’m down to 8st 9lbs* and I’m just not bothered about Coca Cola any more! I still have some Coke Zero but when I want it, not because I ‘need’ it.

“And I can also have a full fat Coke when I go out as a treat – but I’m not overly fussed and don’t get hooked.”

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