The weight loss mission

I was bullied for being fat so I know what it’s like

By Sandra Roycroft-Davis

Founder of Thinking Slimmer


AS a teenager I was bullied because I was fat – they called me “Miss Piggy” – so I know how being overweight feels. When I was 14, I wore size 16 clothes I bought from charity shops because I was too embarrassed to go into dress shops and be seen in the changing rooms.

Today, a mother of three, I’m a size 10 and have a normal relationship with food. I’ve changed my eating habits and stopped food from being in control. As a behavioural change specialist I work with overweight people every day, so I know how hard making changes can seem. However, it can be done much more easily than you could ever imagine.

Five years ago I found a way to help people online, rather than just in Harley Street, and now our revolutionary Slimpod method is empowering thousands of people to take control of their appetites – and they’re regaining their confidence and self-esteem, too.

Many people diet because they think there’s no other way. Now Thinking Slimmer has changed all that, making it possible to lose weight without dieting and love the skin you’re in. Constant dieting often has horrendous psychological effects manifesting in low confidence, obsession with calories, deprivation, binge eating and generally feeling out of control.

When I had the brainwave for Thinking Slimmer it was about giving people back their lives on a mass scale. I was so angry about all those who were stuck on the dieting merry-go-round that was ruining their lives.

Disordered eating is the reason so many people seek therapy.  They have a rubbish relationship with food and years of dieting has taken its toll, so much so they’ve forgotten how to eat normally. I’m very proud that our Slimpods reverse these effects and help people have a normal attitude towards food.

They’re able to think the way slim people think.

I wanted to dispel scepticism about how the mind influences weight loss so I’m especially proud that Slimpods have been scientifically proven to work in independent trials at City University London. We’re the first people in the world to do this.

I believe that what we do at Thinking Slimmer is so powerful it could go a long way to solving the obesity crisis and so I believe it should be made available on the NHS.

My mission is to help everyone understand there is a way of ending the battle with food.

My mission is to show people there’s a way to be free from the never-ending diet cycle that inevitably ends in failure.

And most of all my mission is to help you feel great about yourself.

Sandra x


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