Sammie Axton

“I’m now in the smallest dress size I’ve worn since I was 13. The weight’s fallen off me and my energy’s sky high now. I leave food on my plate despite what my mum used to say!”
“ The amazing change in me has been so beneficial for my family. Before I wouldn’t have lifted up my little boy to play with him but now it’s piggyback rides everywhere. I can have fun with him now!”

SHE’D tried every diet under the sun from WeightWatchers and Slimming World to the cabbage diet – and even the cornflakes diet. But Sammie Axton used to lose a little but then put it all back on. “The more I kept eating biscuits the more the weight went on,” says Sammie, 47, from Manchester. “But listening to a Slimpod for 9 minutes every night has changed all that. There’s no danger of me eating chocolate biscuits while I’m sitting in front of Corrie any more!

“The transformation in me has been incredible. I was a size 18 going on 20 but soon all my new size 14s I’ve bought are baggy on me. Now I’m in a 10 in some clothes and I’ve lost over 60lbs* because my eating habits have changed completely. My trolley’s now full of fresh fruit and veg and it’s totally different to the way I used to shop.”

In the first six months listening to a Slimpod, Sammie saw a remarkable transformation in her shape – and her life. Sammie went from a size 18/20 to a size 10. At our photoshoot with Sammie she fitted so easily into a size 10 that she shouted “Wow! I’ve got a waist.”  After eight years, Sammie is even slimmer and fitter and the weight is staying off without any effort on her part.

Sammie says: “People say I’m half the woman I was – and that has to be good. I’m now the smallest I’ve been since I was 13 years of age. I used to weigh more than my husband but my daughter said to me the other day ‘Mum, where’ve you gone? You’re thinner than me now!” So she’s listening to my Slimpods as well now and losing weight, too.

“When I first lost some weight I used to borrow some of my daughter’s clothes – the ones that weren’t too short or too revealing, that is – but now I can’t because her clothes are too small for me. I can even get into a size eight in some outfits now.

Now Sammie’s a super size 10

“The amazing change in me has been so beneficial for my family because now I can play with my little boy, run around with him, chase him and we can have great fun together.

“The other day for a laugh I tried on an old size 18 dress of mine and it was huge. It buried me and I had to get my mum to help take it off me! I used to be living from one meal to the next but now sometimes I often forget to eat a meal because I just don’t feel peckish.

“I’ve always been struggling with losing weight and when I took up kick-boxing three years ago I was huge.

“The last time I weighed myself I was almost 14 stone and I was a size 18/20 – going on a 20 really, which was very embarrassing.  I’ve done every diet from WeightWatchers and Slimming World to the cabbage diet – and even the cornflakes diet. I used to lose a little then put it all back on again.

“One of the problems with kick-boxing is that I have to train hard so I do need to eat a lot to stay healthy. Trying to stick to a diet to lose weight through willpower was never going to work for me.

“Because I am so dedicated to my sport I naturally wanted to do better at it but I was finding that I was so overweight I struggled to lift my legs because my hips were too fat. This was affecting my self-esteem and my confidence was badly hit when my relationship broke up.

Sam Axton reveals on Facebook how she went from size 20 to size 10 with a Thinking Slimmer Slimpod

How an excited Sam told her news on our Facebook page

“Then I discovered an article about Thinking Slimmer and their Slimpod method. This has completely changed what I eat and the reasons why I eat. The weight has fallen off and all the time my confidence is rocketing.

“Since the weight’s gone everything in my life has dropped into place. My energy is now sky high, I never sit down. It’s training, work, pick up my little boy – and I love the way I’m feeling about myself.

“The biggest change for me is the total lack of biscuits in my diet now. Once if I was feeling sad I’d go through a whole packet of chocolate biscuits. The more I kept eating biscuits the more the weight went on. The Slimpod has changed all that. There’s no danger of me eating chocolate biscuits while I’m sitting in front of Corrie any more – because in the evenings I’m out kick boxing!

“I never miss my Slimpods and take them with me everywhere I go. The transformation in me has been incredible. I have no idea exactly how much I weigh now because I haven’t been on the scales since I started. But I know I’ve lost about five stone.

Sammie Axton weight loss success without dieting Slimpod Thinking Slimmer

These trousers used to fit me once!

“All my size 14s are enormous now and my body shape’s really changing. I’m showing muscle for the first time as the fat’s disappearing – I haven’t got a six pack, more of a two pack though.

“I certainly don’t eat as much as I used to. I leave food now even though I was brought up to eat everything on my plate.  Mum used to make us sit at the table for two or three hours if necessary until every scrap was gone. Today I leave food and I don’t feel the least bit guilty.

“At first I started making my portion sizes smaller but now I’ve had to make my plate smaller, too. Even with a smaller plate I still find I’m leaving food. Another problem I had was that I used to pick while I was cooking and I used to eat my son Bobby’s left-overs as well – but all of that has stopped since I started my Slimpod.

“I’m eating differently, too. I eat fruit every day instead of biscuits, not as a chocolate substitute. I also find my shopping basket isn’t the same either. I used to have a different basket full of biscuits, cakes and treats – now I still buy some treats but mainly for Bobby. My trolley’s now full of fresh fruit and veg and it’s totally different to the way I used to shop.

“My health level is totally different – my skin is glowing, I’m fully awake and full of energy, and my focus is very different because my mind never wanders on to food. I used to be living from one meal to the next but now sometimes I often forget to eat a meal because I just don’t feel peckish.

“The amazing change in me has been so beneficial for my family. Before I wouldn’t have lifted up my little boy to play with him but now it’s piggyback rides everywhere. I can keep up with him now and we enjoy playing out together.

“We do karate and kickboxing together five days a week and we have lots of fun doing that. We also enjoy going out and walking in the park in the summer and in the winter we’re off in the hills trying to find snow so we can go sledging. It’s a bit chilly but great fun!”

Sammy-Axton-gold-medal-Slimpods-easy-simple-natural-lasting-weightloss - Thinking-Slimmer

Sammie proudly displays her coveted kickboxing gold medal

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