NHS nurse Janette

“I’ve gone down two dress sizes. I’ve got no clothes that fit at home any more but hey-ho, I’ll just have to go out and buy some more.”
Result LOST 28lbs WITH EASE
“Thanks to Slimpod I now know the absolute truth of the old saying ‘You are what you eat’!”

Nurse Janette Ogley, from Glossop in Derbyshire, says: “I feel fantastic! I feel healthier, fitter.In my first 12 weeks on the Slimpod programme I managed to lose two stone quite effortlessly and I’ve gone down two dress sizes.

“I’ve got no clothes that fit at home any more but hey-ho, I’ll just have to go out and buy some more.

“It’s been quite life-changing: My activity has increased and I’m now in training to do the Manchester 10K run.

“I don’t think about food any more. For the first time I feel in control and I’m not tempted by sugary sweets and don’t eat carbohydrates any more. I’m enjoying my food much more and I don’t think I’ll come off Slimpod because it’s such a lifestyle change.

“One of the worst people to get a compliment out of is my husband but even he has had to hold his hands up now and say ‘Wow, you’ve lost lots of weight.’

Janette out on a run

“That meant such a lot to me because in the past I was always asking him if I looked thinner and he never told me I did. But this time he’s told me ‘You look amazing.’ So that’s good confirmation for me.

“I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) about five years ago with pain and swelling in my hands and feet.  Prior to this I was a keen but not very good jogger.

“I had given up jogging with a knee injury probably caused by jogging with excess weight, along with the RA pain in my feet, and I NEVER thought at the age of 56 I would ever regain this.

“I was prescribed medication for RA which equated to eight tablets a day – which I didn’t like taking due to the side effects of the tablets. I needed to go for regular blood tests initially every four weeks to monitor the effects of medication.

“I didn’t feel comfortable taking so many tablets.  I always told myself if I ever had a medical problem that I would change my lifestyle to manage/limit the problem and not get caught in the trap of taking more and more medication.

“This is the uniform I used to wear!”

“How I used to look before Slimpod”

“I spoke to my RA doctor about lifestyle changes and diet to reduce pain and swelling and also to limit the need for medication.   I was told that this was not known in research to have any real effect.  Initially I took this advice and continued taking the tablets (reluctantly).

“Then I started Slimpod and lost two stone in weight by following a low carbohydrate diet (NO bread, rice or pasta). The only carbohydrates I have are in the fruit and vegetables, limiting my sugar intake, not eating ANY processed foods and eating lots of healthy fats such as olive oil and advocados.  Mainly a healthy ‘Mediterranean diet’.

“I find listening to the Slimpod makes it this style of healthy eating so much easier and sustainable.

“Once the weight came off I became more active and tentatively started jogging again.  At the moment I take no medication. I still have RA and don’t know how long I will be able to continue but I am convinced Slimpod and the healthy eating have helped my pain and swelling.

“Another trigger for RA is low barometric pressure and it is often said that people with RA can feel a storm coming. This was confirmed on a recent trip to Thailand where the pressure was really low and I had a flare up of the pain and swelling, which proved I still have RA.  I am hoping when I return to the UK I can continue with changes in my diet to control RA pain.

“I am not foolish and know one day I may need medication to control this progressive immune disorder, but in the meantime I will continue to control my RA with diet and lifestyle.

“I now know the absolute truth of the old saying ‘You are what you eat’!”

  • Janette was taking part in a trial approved by her hospital and has not been paid for her comments, which she is happy to share to help others.

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