Glenn Thompson

“Halfway through my dinner I thought ‘Hang on, I’m full.’ In the first 21 days I’d lost 17lbs and four inches off my waist. Now I’m never out of puff, not even after cycling home.”
Result lost 70lbs
“Unlike before when I’d need to eat bags of crisps after dinner, I can sit in front of the TV in the evening and food never crosses my mind”

GLENN Thompson is brutally honest. “My eating was out of control,” he admits.  “I had lost my job as a bus driver because I was 27 stone and too heavy to sit behind the wheel. I would work funny shifts and would eat rubbish like chocolate, pork pies, crisps – anything that was quick and easy. 

“And of course I was sitting down all day.  My big problem was I used to eat too much, never had a full signal and had no willpower. I would eat crisps in front of the TV after a big dinner.

“One day I saw a chap called Darin McCloud on the TV saying he’d lost over six stone by listening to a Slimpod recording for a few minutes a day.  He seemed to be just like me so I gave it a go!

“I found the Slimpod so simple and easy to use and so effective.  I just fell asleep listening to it.  After a few days I heard my full signal for the first time in ages. I couldn’t believe it! I suddenly stopped craving chocolate between meals too.

“In the first 21 days I lost 17lbs* and four inches off my waist, my portions got smaller and smaller.  In 10 months I lost 70lbs* because I stopped being so hungry and was back in control of what I was eating.

“My portions halved and I stopped eating rubbish after my evening meal.  I also noticed I had far more energy and was cycling rather than using the car.  This had an amazing effect on my mood and my weight.  The best thing of all was that I got my old job back!”

Can’t believe this 5XL work shirt used to be tight on me!

Today he looks at his old 5XL work shirts and can’t believe how much weight he’s lost without dieting – even his new 3XL shirts are getting loose!


Two into one will go: Glenn meets his inspiration, Darin

Glenn and his wife Terry, who are both 48, fell in love 28 years ago when they were in the Navy in Devonport, Plymouth. Glenn was a strapping 16-stone able seaman and Terry was a slender 9-stone Wren.

“When we swopped our energetic single lives in the Services for a more comfortable married life we started to put on the pounds,” says Terry, pictured  at their home in Cosham, Hampshire.

Glenn has posted this message on our website: “How many of you out there are of an age where your grandparents lived through the war and then made their children clear their plates of food?

“Well, I had a double whammy – my parents always made me eat all the food on my plate and when I was in the Royal Navy they made us eat our food as fast as possible. Even if I was full I would still eat all the food on my plate as that has been the way for ever – even if it took an hour I would eat all the food in front of me.

“Since I have been using Slimpod I have cut down what I eat as well as leaving food on my plate. I’m now about to start week five in a few days and I notice that my love handles are a lot smaller.

“And even though I’m eating less I am not hungry inbetween meals. And one of the biggest plus points to me is that nothing is off the menu as I don’t think I could give up kebab night – even though it’s now a small one rather than extra large one, which has also saved me some money.”

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