Beryl Turner

“Thanks to my Slimpod, I never over-eat, enjoy everything I do eat, and still keep my weight down. Slimpods are the best thing ever, and I should know as I have tried everything else.”
Result kept it off for 6 years
“I never thought this would happen to me and always thought I’d yo-yo my way through life, struggling with food every day. That’s no longer the case”

“I’D tried every diet going,” says Beryl Turner, a very youthful 73. “But they were all the same – they’d work for a while, I’d lose weight then I’d get bored with having to watch what I eat all the time, so I’d come off the diet and the weight would go back on again.

 ““When I was dieting I used to be obsessed with food. As soon as I ate breakfast I’d be thinking about lunch, and once lunch was over I’d be wondering what I would have for dinner.

“When you’re on a diet you eat whatever it is you’re allowed to have but often find you’re still hungry. So you panic and eat something more. Once you do that you think ‘I’ve broken my diet now so I might as well have something else to eat’.”

 Then in 2011 Beryl read about Slimpods in a magazine. “My Slimpod was very different. All I had to do was listen to a special recording for 10 minutes a day and within the first seven days I lost 4lbs.

“Every week another pound would disappear so that before I knew it I’d lost 18lbs* and I was feeling fitter than I had for years. Now I never even think about food until David reminds me it’s time to eat. I can’t tell you how incredible that feels.”

 Beryl was born in Burnley, Lancashire, but a few years ago moved to Marbella in Spain. “We live near to the coast so now that I’m so keen on exercise it’s easy to go for walks along the beach.

“I’m thrilled to bits with the way the Slimpod has changed my eating habits for the better. I never snack between meals now, in fact I don’t go anywhere near the fridge.

 “Thanks to my Slimpod, I never over-eat, enjoy everything I do eat, and still keep my weight down.  I totally agree that Slimpods are the best thing ever, and I should know as I have tried everything else.”

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When she went on a cruise Beryl even considered scaling the 30ft high climbing wall on board the boat. “I’m so full of confidence that I don’t stop to think that I shouldn’t be doing these things at my age,” she laughs. “I don’t worry about what clothes I should be wearing either – I’m having the happiest time of my life.”

 Beryl sends regular emails to Slimpod HQ updating us with her weight loss success.

 At the end of her first year on a Slimpod, Beryl wrote to say: “I can honestly say it has been the best year ever.  I’ve always had problems with food in the past but since starting with Slimpod I have finally got my cravings under control. Listening to the Slimpod is the best time of the day for me.

“This is no ‘flash in the pan’ solution to the problems created by food obsessions.  Being a person who has tried every diet going, some more successful than others, I have now successfully lost weight and kept it off with my Slimpods.

Two years later, Beryl emailed us to say: “I am very well, in fact having the time of my life.

We had a fabulous five weeks’ holiday, sailing transatlantic to Florida then cruising round the Caribbean with the final week in Miami before coming home, followed by a wonderful Christmas and New Year – and I am still the same weight.

“It is just wonderful being able to enjoy all these fantastic things and not having to worry about putting the weight back on.”

 In February 2015 Beryl wrote to tell us: “I cannot believe that I am now into my fourth year with my Slimpod. In all that time I have never had a ‘dieting day’ or ‘fallen off the wagon’, I just listen to my Slimpod and eat healthily.

“I can honestly say that I have never felt better in my life and I am still enjoying each and every day, especially when new things come along, which they seem to do more and more.

“So once more I would like to to take this opportunity to thank all you wonderful people at Thinking Slimmer for all the enjoyable days I have had since discovering your wonderful product and long may you continue to help bring health and happiness to many more people like myself.

“The best thing for me is that right from the beginning I have no longer had the cravings for food that I have had in the past.  I now no longer go looking for food in the fridge, I no longer spend the day thinking of what I can eat next.

“Now I enjoy my days doing the things I enjoy and only eat when I am ‘really’ hungry.    The best part now is that as my shape has changed I can wear all the lovely clothes that once upon a time I could only look at and wish…

“I never thought this would happen to me and always thought I would yo-yo my way through life, struggling with food every day.  That is no longer the case and for that I will forever by grateful to you wonderful people at Thinking Slimmer.”

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