Slimpod creator Sandra Roycroft-Davis explains how her system works to help thousands achieve their weight loss goals
Slimpod creator Sandra Roycroft-Davis explains how her system works to help thousands achieve their weight loss goals
People always ask if Slimpod is weight loss hypnosis but Slimpod is fundamentally different to other hypnotic weight loss recordings because listeners are not compelled, ordered or manipulated into a response.
Instead, using unconscious persuasion, behavioural science and psychology, their mind is offered the opportunity to find better interpretations of their emotions and behaviours that will enable them to reach their weight loss goals.
When you’ve tried to lose weight by dieting for years and years it really has a very damaging psychological impact. You get stuck in a diet succeed/fail mindset which dominates your life and your thinking. You become helpless and feel hopeless.
The crucial thing that happens during the Slimpod process is that it moves you from a very self-limiting mindset to one that continually encourages you to learn to make better choices – opening your mind up from something that’s fixed and inevitable to something that’s changeable.
You soon realise that you have choice and you can take control over your body rather than it being in control of you.
This is all grounded in proven psychology and neuroscience, which I’ve studied for many years. It’s what makes Slimpod so very different from anything else in the world in getting you to your weight loss goals.

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“After years of obsessing with my weight and trying every diet under the sun I came across Slimpod and can honestly say it’s the only thing that’s changed my relationship with food for the better.”

“The future’s bright now: After listening to the Slimpod just once, I stopped snacking between meals! I have lost weight and I’m confident that the weight will stay off this time. Simply amazing!”

“All of a sudden I’m eating less. I’m giving my partner food. Slimpod is a life changer and a life saver. I’m a 59 year old man and I’ve dieted all my life. Now I have a new relationship with food.”