NHS nurse Jen lost over 100lbs
Slimpod's the ultimate
lifestyle transformation
Imagine being slimmer, happier and in control of your relationship with food in just 12 enjoyable and stress-free weeks.

You can try Slimpod free for 10 days with our no-risk trial
It’s time to be kind to yourself, improve your mental wellbeing and end your fights with diets forever!
What if you could lose weight without dieting or willpower – and you could keep it off for good?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could live a life where consistent healthy eating is second nature, day after day?
In just 9 MINUTES a day of easy relaxed listening, our medically-recommended and clinically-proven Slimpod Gold programme – which featured in Channel 4’s How To Lose Weight Well series and on ITV Tonight – will retrain your brain.
Then healthy eating becomes an automatic habit…giving you lasting freedom from food and dieting.

“The transformation’s been incredible. I was a size 18 going on 20 but now I’m in 10s and I’ve kept the weight off for eight years with ease”
– Sammie Axton
Over 35 years of experience went into Slimpod
Slimpod is no overnight fad. Over 35 years of expertise and experience have gone into our cutting-edge neuroscience-based technique, which had a 95 per cent success rate in clinical trials.
In other words, success with Slimpod is not just achieved by a few lucky people, but by almost everyone who uses it.
For a limited time only, you can try Slimpod free for 10 days and get a special discount of £30. And remember, this is NOT a diet. There’s no calorie counting and no special food – Slimpod is completely different to every other weight loss method.

Give me 9 minutes a day and I can give you freedom

- Finally break free from yo-yo dieting
- Escape the grip of sugar or other cravings
- Enjoy food without feeling all that guilt
- Lose the weight you hate - and keep it off
Have more energy and love exercise
Stop binge eating - Start liking who you see in the mirror

Your very own weight
loss coach at your fingertips
Your very own weight loss coach at your fingertips
12-week transformation programme includes...
- Four life-changing downloads
- Hours of expert video coaching
- Full support from our friendly team
- Features unique 'beat sugar' pod
- Access to private Facebook group
- Over 100 healthy eating recipes
No obligation to continue when trial ends, no contract to tie you in.

People just love us on Trustpilot

“After years of obsessing with my weight and trying every diet under the sun I came across Slimpod and can honestly say it’s the only thing that’s changed my relationship with food for the better.”

“The future’s bright now: After listening to the Slimpod just once, I stopped snacking between meals! I have lost weight and I’m confident that the weight will stay off this time. Simply amazing!”

“All of a sudden I’m eating less. I’m giving my partner food. Slimpod is a life changer and a life saver. I’m a 59 year old man and I’ve dieted all my life. Now I have a new relationship with food.”

Finally, you’ll win your freedom from those weigh-ins
Slimpod Gold is split into three phases where you will be guided through 12 weeks of motivational coaching, helping you to stop binge eating and change your eating habits.
No humiliating weekly weigh-ins, just gentle guidance, expert advice, essential knowledge, unrivalled support and more than 100 healthy recipes – although we never tell you what to eat!.
With the online coaching programme working with you at a conscious level and the brain-retraining pods working on your subconscious, you’re on to a real winner!
Slimpod Gold’s a unique, fully-inclusive programme you download to your smartphone or tablet with no barriers to age or gender.

Our acclaimed user
friendly system gives you...
- Four life-changing downloads
- Hours of expert video coaching
- Full support from our friendly team
- Features unique 'beat sugar' pod
- Access to private Facebook group
- Over 100 healthy eating recipes

Darin McCloud with his old trousers!
Special Offer
You’ll pay just THREE monthly instalments of
Nothing more to pay!
Enrol today and save £30 off the original £147 price of our online weight loss programme.
Yours for life with
nothing else to pay
Experience the power of Slimpod today FREE for 10 days. When you continue after the trial, you’ll pay just THREE monthly instalments of £39.
NOTHING MORE TO PAY – yes, you pay only three instalments. No weekly weigh-ins to pay for, no special food to buy, no pills, no shakes. Think how much you’re going to save!
Slimpod is yours for life! And it’s risk free – you can cancel at any time. Buy today and you’ll be saving £30 off the original £147 price of the programme.
With the protection of our 30-day no-risk money back guarantee on your first monthly payment, you’ll experience the powerful transformation a Slimpod can make to your life.
Beat inflation! We’re holding the price down as long as we can.
The four pods and full access to the programme are yours for as long as you need them with nothing more to pay.

Set weight loss goals that work
Take the emotion out of eating PLUS: Control your hunger & your portions
Never fall off the wagon again
Lose weight without willpower PLUS: How to beat those cravings
Stop sugar hijacking your brain
The foods that combat stress PLUS: Overcome self-sabotage
Set weight loss goals that work
Superfoods that boost your body PLUS: Food to help your fat loss
No obligation to continue when trial ends, no contract to tie you in.

In clinical trials, 95% of people lost weight
Experience the power of Slimpod today FREE for 10 days. When you continue after the trial, you’ll pay just THREE monthly instalments of £33.
NOTHING MORE TO PAY – yes, you pay only three instalments. No weekly weigh-ins to pay for, no special food to buy, no pills, no shakes. Think how much you’re going to save!
Slimpod is yours for life! And it’s risk free – you can cancel at any time. Buy today and you’ll be saving £48 off the original £147 price of the programme.
With the protection of our 30-day no-risk money back guarantee on your first monthly payment, you’ll experience the powerful transformation a Slimpod can make to your life.
Beat inflation! We’re holding the price down as long as we can.
The four pods and full access to the programme are yours for as long as you need them with nothing more to pay.

Imagine what life will be like in 12 months’ time if you don’t enrol in a Slimpod programme. You’ll still be in the same miserable place, trying diet after diet and still not keeping the weight off.
Food will still control every waking moment, with cravings and snacks filling you with guilt and that awful feeling of failure.
You’ll be a few more pounds closer to those health dangers you dread, like diabetes and heart problems.
This is the choice facing you today – take an exciting risk-free step towards a better future 🙂 🙂 🙂
Or stay stuck in the same old rut for ever 🙁


“I was hooked on sugar, drinking 160 cans of Coke a month. Within two days on a Slimpod I instinctively chose to drink water instead. I’ve easily lost 50 lbs and kept it all off for 10 YEARS without willpower.”
- Jo Hallam

LOST 50 lbs with ease

Slimpod success by numbers
of NHS staff using Slimpod stopped snacking in one hospital
of people lost weight in Slimpod’s independent clinical trials
of our Trustpilot reviews are rated either Excellent or Good