My proudest photo is
me in my red basque

My proudest photo is
me in my red basque

The Weight's Over: Take Back Control June

June Ward’s own story

How my life has changed! I was in a mobility scooter and on crutches. I couldn’t walk without pain. But now I’ve tackled treetop walks in Wales, done zip lines, walked a million steps, and joined a gym. I’ve lost 25.5kg (4st), dropping from a size 20 to a 14.

But, more importantly, I’m free. My body has fought its battles, and I keep going. I even have a boudoir photo wall in my bedroom, and my proudest photo is the one in my burlesque red basque.

You see, as I explained in Sandra’s book The Weight’s Over: Take Back Control, I had a choice: let my chronic illness take over my life or take control and be me. I chose to be me. For far too long, I had been defined by fibromyalgia, a condition that dictated my every move since being diagnosed in 2008.

It controlled me, confined me, and left me living a shadow of the life I wanted. I couldn’t walk without pain and was essentially housebound. My elderly parents had to take me into town for groceries, with my 76-year-old dad carrying my shopping because I didn’t have the energy. It was humiliating, yet I was so grateful for their help.

My world felt so small. I had been pensioned off from the NHS before I turned 40, leaving me with a sense of loss and a body I felt had betrayed me. Then, four years ago, I found Slimpod. It was the best decision of my life. For the first time, I believed I could be free of the body I had been trapped in, and I realised I had the power to change it.

The Weight's Over: Take Back Control June basque

What a waistline! June in her red basque

At first, the changes were small. Watching Julie Emmanuel’s video gave me the push I needed. It was empowering to realise that I could stop focusing on what I couldn’t do and start building on what I could. My energy levels, which had been non-existent since before 2008, began to return. Suddenly, I was waking up raring to go.

I began walking without crutches. My flare-ups, which used to last endlessly, became shorter and more manageable. I even started to notice that what I ate had an impact on my fibromyalgia symptoms. It became clear that I didn’t need antidepressants anymore—I wasn’t depressed! For the first time in years, I felt like a completely different person.

I didn’t stop there. The confidence I gained from Slimpod spurred me on to try things I’d never dreamed of. I joined a gym, I walked over a million steps, and I even started burlesque dancing—a long-held dream of mine. It felt surreal to be on stage at the local summer fayre, surrounded by my burlesque friends, performing in front of strangers. The pride and exhilaration I felt were unforgettable.

At the start of my journey, I couldn’t stand on one leg. Now, I can stand on one leg on top of a chair. I’ve even done the splits!

The Weight's Over: Take Back Control June splits

Amazing! June can even do the splits

Fibromyalgia no longer rules me—I’m in charge of it. With the weight loss came a completely new mindset. I became a natural eater, no longer ruled by diet books, scales, or rigid food rules. I learned to say no to second helpings, even to my mum’s cooking, which felt like a small miracle in itself.

Food is no longer a source of guilt. I don’t obsess over what’s “allowed” or “forbidden.” I eat what I want, but now I listen to my body. For instance, I drink far less alcohol these days, preferring gin to beer, but that won’t stop me from enjoying a beerfest if I feel like it.

One of the biggest mindset changes Slimpod gave me was the freedom to stop dieting. There’s no weighing, no measuring, no guilt. I learned that consistency—not perfection—is key. This new way of living allowed me to focus on what truly mattered: improving my health for the long term and enjoying life.

Reflecting on where I started, I can hardly believe how far I’ve come. When I joined Slimpod in 2020, I could barely walk 100 yards without pain. I relied on my mobility scooter and crutches, and I hated exercise with a passion. Now, I take hula hoops on holiday and dance burlesque!

Slimpod has taught me to love myself and be patient with my body. It’s also helped me manage my fibromyalgia in ways I never thought possible. My activity levels have increased so much that I’ve been able to reduce my painkillers. When I had surgery last year, I realised just how much I’d changed. Recovering from two laparoscopic surgeries and a broken ankle, I was struck by the resilience I’d built over the past few years.

Today, my journey continues. I’ve lost over four stone, and while I’m not yet where I want to be, I’m closer than I ever imagined. My confidence has soared, and I’m living a life I never thought possible.

The most rewarding part? Seeing my boudoir photo wall every day. My proudest photo is the one of me in my red basque—a symbol of how far I’ve come. I’ve forgiven myself for the years I spent feeling fat and inadequate and instead thanked my body for giving me two amazing boys.

Slimpod didn’t just help me lose weight—it changed my life. It gave me freedom, confidence, and a new purpose. I’m now a confident, independent woman who walks taller, takes too many selfies, and loves herself and her body.

Four years ago, I was housebound, dependent on my parents, and struggling to manage my fibromyalgia. Now, I’m free from my mobility scooter and crutches, I’ve tackled treetop walks, and I’ve zip-lined in Wales.

I’ve learned to appreciate the little wins, like walking independently, taking selfies without shame, and smiling at my achievements—even on the toughest days. These wins remind me how far I’ve come and keep me going.

This journey has been a long, winding road, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. Slimpod gave me the tools to rebuild my life, and for that, I’ll always be grateful.

Sandra’s book The Weight’s Over: Take Back Control perfectly encapsulates what Slimpod has done for me. It gave me the confidence to believe in myself, to take control of my life, and to live free from the restrictions of fibromyalgia and dieting.

My life is unrecognisable compared to what it was in 2020. I’m living proof that it’s never too late to change, to take control, and to find joy in every step of the journey.

Thank you, Slimpod, for changing my life.

The Weight's Over: Take Back Control

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