I’m out of the shadows
to live life to the full

I’m out of the shadows
to live life to the full

The Weight's Over: Take Back Control Clare Rayner

Clare Rayner’s own story

I’ve gone from a size 28 to an 18, but what I’ve gained is far more significant than the dress sizes I’ve lost. I now have the confidence to wear a short dress and enjoy my day without a second thought. The freedom I’ve found through this journey is immeasurable and should never be underestimated.

I no longer care what my daughters Sheila and Julie might be saying about me in a short dress. For all I know, they could be saying, “Go girl!” And if they aren’t? Well, leave them be. They could well be fighting their own demons, and it really doesn’t matter what they think. What truly matters is how I feel about myself.

The Weight's Over: Take Back Control Clare before Slimpod

Clare before she took back control with Slimpod

Two years ago, I took Sandra’s advice and made a list of three things I no longer wanted in my life: to end up in a wheelchair, to suffer from constant boils, and to be woken every night by the pain of pins and needles because my weight was cutting off circulation to my arms. At the time, I was a size 26/28, eating mindlessly, and dealing with random heart palpitations.

As I told you in Sandra’s book The Weight’s Over: Take Back Control, cutting my toenails felt like an adventure – the kind of adventure you dread. I was bitter, sad, and in constant pain from my aching knees. Walking my beloved dog was becoming nearly impossible. I was pretending to count calories, but in truth, I felt utterly hopeless.

I even avoided my husband’s work friends out of shame. I told myself it was for his sake, but deep down, it was my own embarrassment.

Fast-forward to now, and everything has changed. Those three things on my list are distant memories. I can’t recall the last time I was woken by pins and needles. I’m now a size 18, and just last weekend, I bought a size 16 dress. It’s a flowy number, but it fits. There was no way I wasn’t buying it!

Without even realising it, I’ve become an intermittent faster. I swim 64 lengths three times a week, work out twice a week, run twice a week, and walk my dog three times a day. I’ve cut out crisps and chocolate entirely and now eat mainly the Mediterranean way because, quite honestly, it’s delicious.

Most importantly, I’m happy, confident, and finally meeting my husband’s friends, with plans to meet more soon.

It’s funny how life comes full circle. Twenty-four months ago, I went to Bluewater shopping centre with my sister-in-law and her granddaughter. My knee was in a brace, and I was in agony. I had to hold onto the pram to walk and stop every ten minutes because the pain was unbearable. It wasn’t an outing; it was a test of endurance.

Fast-forward to yesterday, and I went back to Bluewater with my son and his expecting girlfriend. I should probably mention here that, at 56, I am way too young to be a granny. I still have so much vodka to drink and dancing to do! I wore a short pink and white dress, something I never would have dared to wear before, and I walked around for hours with ease. No pain, no brace, just pure enjoyment of the day.

The freedom I’ve found within this journey is unmeasurable and should never be underestimated. It’s not just about food – it’s about rediscovering life. I’ve lost weight before on other well-known programmes, but there were always signs of that rubber ball bouncing back.

This time is different. This time, I know it’s for life which is the reason I was so delighted to be asked to tell my story in The Weight’s Over: Take Back Control.

WHO WAS I? Let me take you back to who I was a year ago. I was a size 28, eating anything that didn’t move, just because.

Random heart palpitations were a regular occurrence, and cutting my toenails felt like scaling Mount Everest. My knees cried out for help daily, and walking my gorgeous dog became almost impossible. I lived in a three-storey house, and once I went upstairs, I wouldn’t come back down unless absolutely necessary.

Even keeping myself clean was a challenge. I avoided mirrors, cameras, and social gatherings. I even avoided meeting my husband’s work friends because I didn’t want to embarrass him. In hindsight, those were my thoughts, not his.

I remember sitting outside a COVID clinic two years ago. My husband had parked as close as he could because walking was so painful. I saw a woman in a wheelchair and thought, “That’s my future if I don’t change.” It was a terrifying realisation.

WHO AM I NOW? Now, I am Clare. Those three “whys” are a distant memory. I’m a size 18, occasionally slipping into a size 16 (did I mention I bought that dress?!).

I swim 64 lengths three times a week. I work out with Team Body Project twice a week, run twice a week, and walk my dog three times a day. My dog probably hates me for all the exercise, but I make up for it with cuddles!

I’ve adopted a Mediterranean way of eating because it tastes blooming lovely. I’ve cut out crisps and chocolate entirely, and I only drink socially – and that’s just fine by me. My meals are fresh, delicious, and full of variety. I’ve even started experimenting in the kitchen, adding vegetables to every recipe I can. My fridge is now filled with fresh produce, cheese, and fish – not processed junk.

Most importantly, I’m happy. Truly, deeply happy. My mindset has completely transformed. I no longer compare myself to others or worry about what they think. Sheila across the road might have a better car, but she’s probably battling her own demons. I’ve learned to focus on my blessings instead of envying others.

Earlier this year, I swam 64 lengths for the first time and set a goal to run a 5K by the end of the year. I’ve started running around Greenwich Park – slowly, but I’m doing it. My goal is to run that 5K with my sons, and next year, I’m planning to join my son for the London to Brighton bike ride.

Life is so different now. Stairs are no longer my enemy. Pins and needles? Gone. I can sleep through the night and wake up refreshed.

I wear dresses all the time – short ones, flowy ones, you name it – and I don’t care what anyone thinks. Slimpod has changed my life, and for that, I’m eternally grateful.

Before, I lived in a shadow of what I wanted life to be. Now, I’m living it to the full, with confidence, happiness, and hope for the future. To anyone reading this, remember: it’s never too late to change. If I can do it, so can you. Here’s to the next 12 months – I can, and so can you!

The Weight's Over: Take Back Control

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